[專欄] 2K19看不到Barkley和R.Miller的原因

作者: cuteboy70 (我要的意義)   2018-07-22 11:20:46
Why You (Probably) Will Not See Charles Barkley and Reggie Miller in NBA 2K19
跟大家分享 以下無逐句翻譯 僅簡單挑重點
The NBA 2K franchise prides itself on realism—so much so, that it markets
itself more as a basketball simulator than a video game. But the NBA is
defined by its personalities—athletes who love to play the hero or play the
villain. Charles Barkley and Reggie Miller fall into the latter group; they
were outsized antagonists in an outsized sports league. And because of this,
their 'here again, gone again' appearances in NBA 2K have become glaring.
因此他們在NBA 2K時而出現 時而消失就顯得引人注目
Will Reggie Miller or Charles Barkley be in NBA 2K19? We reached out for
confirmation, and Barkley's camp had no comment. Miller's camp didn't
respond. 2K Games demurred, stating they weren't ready to announce classic
lineups or commentary teams for the upcoming game, due out September 11.
老巴和神米會出現在2k19中嗎?老巴不予置評 神米沒有回應
We'll know soon enough, but don't hold your breath. Miller hasn't been
playable in the NBA 2K franchise since 2K5 (2004). In NBA 2K18 (2017), he was
absent from the All-Time Pacers team. His '99-'00 Pacers team, which went to
the NBA Finals, wasn't a selectable classic lineup. And despite being a TNT
commentator, The Knick-Killer's voice was nowhere to be heard in-game.
我們很快就會知道 但別太驚訝
早從2K5之後 玩家就已經無法選擇神米了 2K18中他也沒有在All-Time Pacers team中
雖然神米是TNT評論員 但遊戲中聽不到這位尼克殺手的聲音
Barkley was playable in 2K13 and 2K17 as a member of the 1992 Dream Team. But
in 2K18, he was absent from the All Time Suns team, and there are no Suns
classic lineups from his era. Sir Charles' absence on commentary is even more
glaring than Miller's; the other three hosts of Inside the NBA—Ernie
Johnson, Shaquille O'Neal, and Kenny Smith—run the pregame and postgame
shows without him.
但在2K18中他沒有出現在All Time Suns team中 也沒有他那時代的太陽隊經典陣容
The first NBA-licensed basketball game, NBA Basketball (1980) had no team
names and no player names. But starting in the mid-'80s, developers licensed
the biggest stars, which led to single/dual player-featured games like One on
One: Dr. J vs. Larry Bird (1983), Jordan vs. Bird: One on One (1988) and
Magic Johnson's Fast Break (1988).
第一個NBA授權的遊戲NBA Basketball (1980)中沒有隊伍和選手的名字
到了80年代中期 遊戲廠商獲得巨星的授權
得以推出一些一對一的遊戲 如J博士v.s大鳥 老喬V.S大鳥 魔術的快攻等
Developers made a leap with Lakers versus Celtics and the NBA Playoffs
(1989), the first game to include multiple teams and multiple NBA stars such
as Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, and Larry Bird. These appearances were
negotiated individually, apart from the NBA Players Association (NBPA)—the
union that represents active NBA players.
1989年廠商推出Lakers versus Celtics and the NBA Playoffs 有了大幅的進展
這是第一個包括數隻隊伍和多位球星(如MJ 魔術和大鳥)的遊戲
Things got hairy when Midway released NBA Jam (1993) in the arcades. For the
first time, there was a glaringly notable holdout: Jordan. The greatest
active player in the NBA, who helped make flashy dunks and hangtime a
cultural phenomena, was somehow absent from the most notable game. Why?
當Midway在1993年推出NBA Jam時 情況變得更詭譎
因為當時NBA最偉大的球員 將灌籃和滯空能力變成一種藝術的Jordan
竟然不在這個最受矚目的遊戲裡面 為什麼?
Jordan, the most coveted player off the court, had opted out of the NBPA
licensing agreement to negotiate all his deals separately. And weeks before
NBA Jam debuted, Jordan pulled out of all NBA licensed products because they
conflicted with his Nike deal. There was nothing Midway could do to enforce
his commitment.
MJ選擇跳出NBPA 個別與廠商協商他的所有合約
就在NBA JAM發售的幾個星期前 由於和他與NIKE的合約有利益上的衝突
MJ選擇退出所有NBA授權的商品 因此Midway無法要求MJ
The '90s weren't completely void of Michael Jordan in video games, however.
He had his own video game, Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City, a
side-scroller where you'd play as MJ and throw an assortment of
different-powered basketballs at skeletons and spiders.
For the next several years, developers used underhanded tactics to "sneak"
Jordan into the game, whether through cheat codes, or by designating a
shooting guard on the Bulls named "M. Guard" or "Roster Player," with no
corresponding picture and high offensive ratings. His Airness wouldn't permit
his likeness in a video game until 1999, with the release of NBA Live 2000.
Nowadays, Jordan is signed exclusively to 2K Sports, and he credited their
accuracy and attention to detail in a 2011 interview with ESPN:
儘管如此 90年代的遊戲並非完全沒有MJ的存在
他有他自己的遊戲Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City
在這個卷軸遊戲中玩家將扮演MJ 丟擲具有不同威力的籃球來消滅骷髏頭和蜘蛛
接下來幾年 廠商用了一些策略
如修改程式碼或創造名為"M. Guard" or "Roster Player"的球員
想辦法讓MJ進入遊戲中(當然就沒有照片 進攻數值也無法很高)_
在1999年的NBA LIVE2000發售前 MJ的照片是無法出現在遊戲中的
現在MJ完全專屬於2K 他相當肯定2K的精確與對細節的注意
The only other notable omissions from NBA Jam were Barkley and Shaquille
O'Neal, who were available to play on the arcade versions, but were removed
from the Tournament Edition home console versions This was likely due to
legal conflict. Barkley was starring in a bizarre RPG game called Barkley
Shut Up and Jam! (1993), and Shaq was starring in a game called Shaq Fu
(1994), which was as terrible as it sounds. Miller, lacking the notoriety of
either man, never had a game conflict—he appeared in all versions of NBA Jam.
NBA JAM中另外兩個消失的球員是老巴和歐肥
這是因為老巴有自己的rpg遊戲 BarkleyShut Up and Jam! (1993)
歐肥也有Shaq Fu(1994)
神米沒這兩個來得惡名昭彰 沒有遊戲的衝突 因此在各版的NBA JAM中都有他
The NBPA represents active players, and it is probably not a coincidence that
both Miller and Barkley's video game appearances petered out after their
retirements. Miller's last home console appearance was in NBA 2K5 (2004); he
retired at the end of the 2004-2005 NBA season. And prior to his Dream Team
appearances, Barkley's last home console appearance was in NBA 2K1 (2000) as
a member of the 80's East team; he retired at the end of the 1999-2000 NBA
Barkley's unexpected appearances in 2K13 and 2K17 only occurred due to
JAY-Z's intervention. Hov was an executive producer of 2K13, and according to
a Game Informer interview with senior producer Rob Jones from 2012, he would
not stand for Barkley's absence:
NBPA代表現役球員 因此神米和老巴在退休後就不在出現於遊戲中也許不是巧合
神米最後一次出現是2004年的2K5 04-05球季後就退休了
老巴最後一次出現是在2000年的2K1(之後2K13 2K17出現在夢幻隊這兩次如不算的話)
之後老巴會在2K13和2K17中意外出現 是因為JAY-Z的介入
JAY-Z got on the phone with Barkley, and talked him into making an
appearance. Because under its current agreement with the NBPA, 2K only has
the rights to use the likenesses of active players who are under the union's
licensing agreement. For retired players, 2K must either get permission from
the NBA Retired Players' Association, or many times, in the case of bigger
stars like Barkley and Miller, from the players themselves.
根據2K和NBPA的協議 他們只有使用現役球員照片的權利
對於退休球員 就必須獲得退休球員工會的授權
而對於老巴和神米這種巨星 更必須獲得他們親自同意授權
If Miller has a motivation for saying no, he's never said so publicly.
Barkley, however, has been more outspoken about his reasons. He stated to
Bleacher Report’s Howard Beck that he wants 2K to donate money to the NBA
Retired Players Association in exchange for his commentator participation. He
reiterated this claim on Inside the NBA and on the Bickley and Marotta Friday
radio show in 2017, this time with more specificity. He wants there to be an
annual donation:
他在Inside the NBA和Bickley and Marotta Friday radio show節目中都再三強調過
"What I think would be fair is, if they gave a million dollars—and I’d even
let them keep the tax write-off—if they gave a million dollars a year to the
retired players association that went to a good cause—health plans or
something like that or just gave them money to help them get on their feet, I
’d let them use my likeness in a heartbeat."
讓工會可以運用錢做些好事 如健康計劃之類的 或是幫助工會的發展
Unless JAY-Z or someone equally famous individual wants to convince Sir
Charles otherwise, the ball, metaphorically, is in 2K's court. And through it
all, there's an irony here. In a weird, counterintuitive manner, Miller and
Barkley are in the game because you can't stop thinking about their absence.
And at least in Barkley's case, that appears to be the point.
從另一個角度看 他們已經是在遊戲中了
作者: Hohenzollern   2018-07-22 11:39:00
記得NBA Live 2000的1990年代明星隊還有喬丹是NBA Live 2001才沒有他不過我懶得去翻PS1遊戲光碟用PS2確認了早年NBA Live只選有歐肥的球隊 只要你掌握住他的手感 中距離外線都能穩定進球Live 98應該還有喬丹 因為他該季現役球員對了!Live 2001打金手指喬丹就有在90年代明星隊
作者: SledgeHammer (Vecel)   2018-07-22 12:54:00
玩過Live 97的假MJ,名字就是player,背號還是24號
作者: JoelEmbiid21 (gg)   2018-07-22 13:06:00
作者: jack19931993 (三無少年)   2018-07-22 13:43:00
不給就不給啊 又不是義務 還毛多勒
作者: jacky841224j (小豬)   2018-07-22 14:17:00
作者: leonightmare (LeoPa)   2018-07-22 16:09:00
作者: Hohenzollern   2018-07-22 20:11:00
老巴當球評的年薪還比不少總教練高 也不用扛戰績他只是想為那些退休不久就破產的人一些幫助
作者: ralphhoh2000 (挖喜祥)   2018-07-23 09:44:00
2k 已經變課金糞了 還不願意出錢拿肖像

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