[外絮] 敬這個世代 我們的MJ Kobe Bryant

作者: cooliceman (*楓情雪戀*)   2016-04-25 00:48:40
Thousands made a pilgrimage 20 years ago to a pyramid not to pay homage to
the ancient dead, but to witness a greatly anticipated birth. They braved the
notorious traffic and ignored a day made for the beach to spend the afternoon
inside and satisfy a curiosity that made them excited.
They had to know: Does he really exist?
This place of worship was indeed named The Pyramid, a Disneyesque knock-off
of the famous shrines in Egypt, 18 stories of glass and silver soaring above
the Long Beach State campus. It houses a sports arena that's home to the
school's basketball team, and in 1996 was the site of the NBA Summer League.
Usually, these games involving fringe NBA players draw fans who are bored
hoop junkies looking for a summertime fix, except on July 14 of that year,
the box office line ribboned around the block and spilled into the parking
lot. The Long Beach summer league had never sold out for a single game
before, until now. This became the first documented proof of the reach and
pull of one Kobe Bean Bryant, an appeal that would eventually stretch well
beyond that line and last a basketball lifetime.
Funny thing about his official debut in a team-issued Lakers uniform: Kobe
back then was mostly word of mouth. He had no deep basketball history; he
wouldn't turn 18 for another two months. He didn't play college ball and
therefore wasn't overexposed, missing the chance to get the usual gushing
from ESPN analyst Dick Vitale in the NCAA tournament.
有得到太多的曝光機會,他沒有機會讓ESPN專門分析NCAA的 Dick Vitale對他做出評價。
He groomed his game far across the country, in Philadelphia, via Italy, and
therefore few if any in the Pyramid actually saw him in person before.
Because this was pre-LeBron, his high school games weren't breathlessly
televised or exploited on cable. This was also pre-Twitter, and there was no
YouTube back then; therefore no mixtapes.
Yet, people knew. They just knew.
They knew their beloved Los Angeles Lakers surrendered a lovable Serbian
seven-footer to get this kid — yes, there was actually some public debate
whether deal-meister Jerry West erred in the Vlade Divac-for-Kobe Draft-day
swap — and therefore he had to be worthy of the interest. Mystery combined
with hope made for an irresistible appetite for Kobe.
時,有各種聲音質疑著Jerry West是不是做錯事了?所以這個小子最好要值得這項投資。
Wearing his sweatband high on his left arm, much like his idol Michael
Jordan, the kid pumped 27 points on a variety of slippery moves against the
Detroit Pistons in his first Summer League game, then dropped 36 on the
Phoenix Suns. The standing room-only crowd cheered every basket. Del Harris,
the Lakers' coach then, tried in vain to calm the masses: "It's just Summer
League, folks. It doesn't count."
了他的每一個進球而歡呼。Del Harris,當時的湖人總教練,不想太過誇大這些表現:"這
One of the assistant coaches for the Suns was Alvin Gentry, now a 25-year NBA
coaching veteran. Gentry chose to believe his eyes that day: "It was unreal,"
recalled Gentry. "Nobody on the floor could stop this kid. I would say he was
a man among boys, except he was just a boy."
現在的資深教練,當時太陽的助理教練Alvin Gentry,選擇相信自己的眼睛並且表示
Kobe Bryant is now 37 and ready for retirement, and plenty has been said
about Kobe in the two decades in between. He even summed up his profile in a
pre-packaged, marketable two-word assessment: "Hero/Villain." Feel free to
choose your side, or accept both. What is undeniable, though, is how he
elevated himself a notch above the many great players in this aspect: Only a
select handful managed to cast a spell over an entire generation.
In that sense, Kobe had it. Bill Russell and Oscar Robertson and Kareem
Abdul-Jabbar were among those who did not. Michael Jordan did, too. Larry
Bird and Magic Johnson did as well, thetwo pioneers forever joined at the
waistband who went about re-energizing the game. What about Allen Iverson and
the way he was worshipped by Generation X? Yes, without a doubt.
Kobe is a member of that club. Kobe is a cinch candidate to be carved on a
Millenniums' Mount Rushmore, and that is the legacy he's leaving us with. Not
the 81-point game, or the three titles with Shaq, or the two without, all of
which are obviously quite considerable in their own right. Yet they're mere
achievements and entries on a Hall of Fame resume. The true and lasting
meaning of what Kobe did is scribbled across the faces and styles of a legion
of players he's leaving behind, such as the Indiana Pacers' Paul George, who
stammered recently when he took a stab at what Kobe did for him:
的精神和風格。就像Paul George談到Kobe對他的影響時表示:
"I mean, part of the reason why I'm here is because of him," said George, a
three-time All-Star. George grew up in Southern California and, like
thousands of impressionable young playground rats, was sucked in by Hurricane
Kobe. "He sent me to the gym when I was a kid to work on my game. I tried to
be like him. I watched him and tried to copy him."
How exactly did Kobe dictate the way millions watched and played basketball?
Why was he christened by today's players as "our Jordan" so much more than
any other? Well, the formula that created Kobe is actually easy to
understand. It was made possible by one-part circumstance and one-part Kobe
himself, the perfect basketball marriage.
Here's how the basketball Gods delivered their end of the deal: Jordan was
nearing the finish line of his career and preparing an exit strategy when
Kobe was developing. There was a strong demand for a fresh copycat. Kobe
spent his entire career in splashy Los Angeles with the biggest brand in
American sports after the Dallas Cowboys and New York Yankees. He entered the
NBA as a teenager and hooked that demographic. And, he had the fortune of
joining a Lakers team that just signed Shaquille O'Neal and was ready to
paint an era purple and gold.
Meanwhile, Kobe did his part by relentlessly sharpening his game, showmanship
and competitive stink-eye stare, enhancing the notion, real or not, that no
one was more bloodthirsty.
As he prepares to wave good-bye, it's proper to seek the answers to what we
just witnessed for two decades. For the best clues you must rewind to the
foundation, right after that Long Beach summer league, which first opened our
eyes and Kobe's.
You start by observing a typical flight on the Lakers' charter in the 1996-97
season where, not long after reaching cruising altitude, the plane would
transform into a lounge. The poker games began, and they were boastful and
loud. Other players chatted up flight attendants. Some took a nap. One player
stood out for being solitary.
"Kobe didn't play card games or socialize or really do any of that. Kobe
would look at videos of basketball, being totally oblivious to any of the
shenanigans Shaq might be up to that kept the rest of the team loose,"
recalls Harris. "He had no interest in anything except getting ready for the
next day."
Harris spent 25 years on a bench the NBA and was attuned to the NBA lifestyle
and culture. The sight of an 18-year-old Kobe spending his free time studying
tapes of Jordan and other stars was a switch. But Kobe's relationship with
those videos went deep. Growing up in Italy without nightly NBA games, videos
were his only way to see the players he'd heard about in the States. It also
afforded Harris, the coach for Bryant's first two seasons plus 20 games, a
front-row seat to observe the singular focus of a basketball nerd who would
become an all-time great.
"Of course, being under aged, he was not lured into the club life, but seemed
to have no interest in it anyway," Harris said. "He exuded the qualities that
one would hope for an 18-year-old. He was just a regular kid for the most
part, not like many youthful people who come into instant fame in LA."
Harris saw that being a kid trapped an adult world actually forced Kobe to
focus on basketball. While his adult teammates went their separate ways after
practice, Kobe was left to himself. With few friends his age around to occupy
his time, he played ball. It was either that or nothing. He had no hobbies or
other passions. He grew tired of sitting at home with his parents, who at the
time lived with him.
Hard to imagine it now, but as a rookie Kobe would show up at high school
gyms, health clubs and even parks to copy moves he saw on those videos in
private, or play pickup games against total strangers, because the Lakers
lacked their own permanent facility. (He missed most of his first training
camp because he broke his left his wrist playing on Venice Beach.)
Venice Beach鬥牛時弄傷了他的左手腕)
From an age standpoint, Kobe didn't fit in with the Lakers. From a basketball
standpoint, he was very much in his element. Being the son of former
Philadelphia 76ers reserve Joe "Jellybean" Bryant meant Kobe was exposed to
professionals first as a young boy. He then studied professionals in Europe
when Joe Bryant continued his career there and, lastly, Kobe the high
schooler played in the summertime in Philly against NBA talent.
元素。身為前76人球員Joe Bryant的兒子,讓Kobe很早就得以接觸職業籃球員,然後在
"When we chose sides for the teams," said Rick Mahorn, a regular at those
games in Philly, "he wasn't the last one picked."
Rick Mahorn說:"當我們選邊對抗的時候,他不是最後一個會被選走的人。"
Bryant never feared big moments
Kobe's transition into the NBA was easier than most preps-to-pros players in
another respect. Kevin Garnett, LeBron James, Dwight Howard, J.R. Smith and
others were drafted by rebuilding teams that lacked talent and lost often
initially. The Lakers were fresh off a 53-win season and just traded for
O'Neal. There was no immediate pressure on Kobe, who was the caddy to
All-Star shooting guard Eddie Jones, coming off the bench for all but seven
games in his first two seasons. And as the first guard ever drafted straight
from high school, Kobe still had a teenage body
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作者: iamtendollar (認真一點他就信你了)   2016-04-25 09:09:00
作者: steven610381 (Keiko Kitagawa is mine.)   2016-04-25 01:23:00
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