[外絮] 夏季聯賽之聲

作者: calvinhungTN (縱貫線bingo)   2013-08-02 01:26:02
The voice of summer league
Superfan Brett Salap: the bard of Las Vegas Summer League
─超級球迷Brett Salap:夏季聯賽的吟遊詩人
By Kyle Weidie
ESPN.com 3:34 p.m. ET, July 25, 2013
Some in the crowd wonder if Brett Salap will ever shut up.
有些夏季聯賽的觀眾懷疑Brett Salap有乖乖閉嘴看球的一天。
Most accept that he’s part of an eclectic scene in Las Vegas. His sideline
antics are met with curious smiles, quizzical looks and, sometimes, annoyed
expressions. But the NBA junkies quickly fall in love. A dad tells his son to
get a photo with him. "This guy knows everything!"
Salap has attended every single Las Vegas Summer League since 2004. For most
in attendance, summer league is a stop on the line, a step in the process, a
window of opportunity. For Salap, it's the only place where he can truly feel
comfortable watching the game he loves, and since the beginning, his act has
always been the same.

If he sat quietly, merely observing the action, you wouldn't know Salap from
any other jersey-wearing aficionado. But he’s not quiet at all. Sitting in
the first row, he’s the gym’s self-appointed play-by-play guy. Salap calls
the game out loud with vivid accuracy, and is missing only a color analyst by
his side.
He announces the result of a referee’s whistle before the call makes its way
to the public address system. If points are accidentally assigned to the
other team by the scoreboard operator, it doesn’t get past Salap. A call
doesn’t go the way he sees it? He will give his opinion otherwise. But it’s
not just the action unfolding in front of his eyes, Salap has an incredible
ability to pull context out of thin air with his encyclopedic knowledge of
pro basketball.
Salap has Asperger's syndrome, which, according to the Mayo Clinic website,
is a "developmental disorder that affects a person's ability to socialize and
communicate effectively with others," and where the person has "an
all-absorbing interest in specific topics."
Imagine you have trouble interacting with people on a social level. Most of
us do to some extent. To be quirky is to be human. Because of his condition,
Salap doesn't understand social graces; he isn't aware of nonverbal clues.
Everything for him is black and white.
(但你都聽不出來) Salap也是如此。他的症狀也使他搞不懂社交禮節,和口語之外的蛛絲
Salap is 32 years old. His mother, Sharon Foster, takes care of him full
time. He is capable of holding down a job, but his condition doesn't make it
easy. He worked at a movie theater in Las Vegas at one point.
Salap已經三十二歲了,但他的母親Sharon Foster得全天候照顧他。他雖然能有份工作,
"Boy, I really hate your team," he once blurted out to a customer wearing a
New York Yankees hat at the cinema. That didn't work out so well.
Salap and his mother have lived outside of Denver for the past three years
after residing in Las Vegas for seven. Sharon has yet to find him a job in
Colorado. Salap doesn't really have any friends. Services for those with
Asperger's tend to disappear once the person reaches adulthood. Even grouping
Salap with others dealing with his condition isn’t ideal. He can't
comprehend how to interact with those less functional.
But once a year in Las Vegas, Salap is just another basketball addict. He
might attract funny looks, but by and large, it’s the one place where
Salap’s passion can be voiced without judgment. Summer league is his safe
“For a few magical days in the summer he can come here,” Foster says. “And
he’s not different with all these other people who feel so passionately
about that game as he does.”
“The rims in Vegas this year seem a lot more bouncy than in years' past,"
Salap observes as shots continue to miss in a certain way. He pulls the names
of marginal players out of his head, often mentioning if said player has had
so much of a cup of coffee in the NBA and with what team.
“He’s been watching basketball since he was 5 years old, and he would do
the same thing, he would watch it and he would call it,” Foster says. “And
then he has this amazing memory. ... Kids with Asperger’s have a really
remarkable memory, and that’s just one of the things that goes with it.”
Salap also will watch events such as the NBA draft as a primer for his time
in Las Vegas. He remembers obscure biographical details about more
recognizable players, the kind of stuff conjured by NBA broadcasters after
hours of digging and often with the help of a research staff.
“Waiters really killed my Clippers last year during Cleveland's early trip
out West,” he says after a basket by Dion Waiters of the Cleveland
Cavaliers. In early November, Waiters dropped 28 points on 7-for-11 3-point
shooting against the Clippers at Staples Center.
進一球後他這麼說。去年十一月初時,Waiters在Staples Center對上快艇時三分11投7中
Prompted by my mentioning of Nick Young’s role in the Clippers’ amazing
comeback from a 12-point deficit against the Grizzlies with a little less
than three minutes left in a 2012 playoff game, Salap starts rattling off
other great comebacks in NBA history.
在迅速提及Nick Young在快艇2012年在季後賽,從比賽剩下不到三分鐘落後12分的劣勢中
“I remember back in 2002, Game 3 of the Eastern Conference finals between
New Jersey and Boston, the Celtics were down like 20-something going into the
fourth quarter and they came back and won that game,” Salap recalled. Paul
Pierce scored 19 points in the final period to give Boston a 94-90 win after
being down 74-53 after three quarters.
“Then again, they lost the next three and the Nets went on to the Finals, so
it really didn’t matter,” he added before going on to mention Reggie Miller
’s infamous "eight points in 9 seconds" heroics in 1995, and a 2002
regular-season game when the L.A. Lakers beat the Dallas Mavericks after
being down 27 points to start the fourth quarter.
Salap was born in Fullerton, Calif., and grew up loyal to his hometown Lakers
and Clippers. The “Showtime” days of Magic Johnson, James Worthy and Kareem
Abdul-Jabbar got him hooked on basketball, but it was the voice of former
Lakers play-by-play man Chick Hearn that sparked his passion for calling the
沃錫和天勾賈霸編織而成的"Showtime"使他迷上籃球,然而是前湖人播報員Chuck Hearn
Salap calls Hearn, who passed away in 2002, the greatest in the history of
the NBA at his trade. “I learned so much listening to him,” Salap tells me.
“To this day, I miss him dearly.”
As Salap has gotten older, it’s been harder and harder for him to watch
games live. He doesn’t handle losing so well. He can watch or attend a
regular-season game under one condition: two of his three teams

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