Re: [新聞] 美國情報官員告訴美媒:中國解放軍18個月

作者: saccharomyce (酵公菌)   2022-08-05 20:21:31
China could invade Taiwan before the 2024 US presidential election: sources
Officials warn 2024 could be an especially 'dangerous' year as both the US
and Taiwan hold presidential elections
中國可能在2024美國總統選舉前入侵台灣 2024年可能是特別危險的一年
China could invade Taiwan within the next 18 months, current and former
officials familiar with U.S. and allied intelligence told Fox News,
suggesting a particularly "dangerous" window between the meeting of the
National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party this November and the next
U.S. presidential election in 2024.
"What is different now is, we have intelligence that this has gone from an
indefinite, nebulous scenario, to a belief that there is a window of
opportunity in the next 18 months," the official continued. "I don’t think
that’s a coincidence that window of opportunity is within a Biden
某官員說這項消息有其出處 並暗示與拜登政府有關(不愧是共和黨媒體?)
Former commander of American forces in the Indo-Pacific Adm. Philip Davison
testified last year that China could invade Taiwan within the next six years—
by 2027.
中共會在未來6年內 2027年前入侵台灣
The official stressed that the invasion could happen before the inauguration
of the next president in 2025, saying China fears the election of "another
leader that could return to a more robust, ‘peace through strength’ foreign
policy and stronger domestic policies."
總之美國某些官員 認為2024前是高風險的時期
作者: BigLargeBoss (TofutheBigBoss)   2022-08-05 20:23:00
應該就是美國國內政治攻防而已啦 有烏俄的經驗 拜登出來喊話、美國開始撤僑之前都不用太過驚慌(雖然驚慌也沒用
作者: BeardSmallGG (我鬍SGG)   2022-08-05 20:46:00
相信不相信沒有區別吧 什麼叫未雨綢繆? 想走的人現在開始準備國外身份 資產轉移一部分到當地 就算失去全部台灣的財產也能在國外活下去不想走的人 就參考烏克蘭人民 會缺什麼就儲存什麼不然就練體能 或是玩槍(?) 練習上場殺敵等美國撤僑 你最好是有時間準備 那就在戰場裸奔啊
作者: c33uviiip0cp (笨呆愚蠢大四喜)   2022-08-05 21:30:00

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