[外電] Kidd希望Kemba下周復出

作者: scott6065 (Touchdown)   2022-12-26 20:58:06
Kidd said the Walker knee rest/injury recovery process is a product of Walker
having played 42 minutes in Cleveland on Dec. 17, then also following that up
with action the next two games. He’s missed the last two games.
“We rolled him out there and played 40-plus minutes,” Kidd said. “So to be
able to get treatment and looking at our schedule, we’re playing every other
day. We’ll try to get him some rest and hopefully we can get him back this we
作者: febulous2011 (Gary)   2022-12-27 02:13:00
裁掉Dorsey改簽AJ Lawson用雙向勉強補一下側翼夏聯看的印象應該有到側翼身高,手也長,但太瘦。夏聯表現很好,攻守觀念都有一定成熟度,外圍把握度不錯,看看他能不能利用側翼沒人的時候打出來

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