[交易] 賣鬼怪+教父邀令 充盈+浪潮組合

作者: ubassplayer (ubassplayer)   2016-04-22 21:51:18
===充盈 + 時空浪潮派波===
Replenish x3 1480
Parallax Wave x4 380
Parallax Tide x4 130
Opalescence x3 690
Counterspell x4 390
Mana leak x8 130
Adarkar Wastes x2 900
Brainstorm x4 180
Careful Study x4 100
Fact or Fiction x4 180
Attunement x3 70
Wrath of God x3 490
Wrath of God (簽名) x1 250
Total: 5370
充盈組合全包可算4000 !! 而且以下用送的
五個大卡盒, 兩個小卡盒
請見照片: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxBqPvar3PwlY2FGUzkzRDdJN0U&usp=sharing
===鬼怪 + 教父邀令===
Patriarch's Bidding x3 1320
Sulfurous Springs x3 420
Goblin Warchief x4 250
Gempalm Incinerator x3 80
Skullclamp (玄鐵版) x4 270
Goblin Piledriver (石破天驚版) x4 1300
Siege-Gang Commander x4 260
Goblin Sharpshooter (石破天驚版) x4 320
Goblin War Strike x4 90
八版閃地四張 (三黑一紅) x4 100
Total: 4410
鬼怪全包價: 3000 !! 且以下用送的
Sparksmith x2
Skirk Prospector x4
Goblin Sledder x4
Surging Flame (閃) x1
Grab the Reins x1
Detonate x2
Echoing Ruin x1
Electrostatic Bolt x4
Spirit Link x2
Whispersilk Cloak x2
Pemmin's Aura x1
照片: 如同上面連結

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