Fw: [情報] Joe Girardi 高機率成為費城人新總仔

作者: zouelephant (毛象)   2019-10-24 15:50:20
※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1TiLSAwt ]
作者: zouelephant (毛毛象) 看板: Baseball
標題: [情報] Joe Girardi 高機率成為費城人新總仔
時間: Thu Oct 24 15:47:19 2019
來源:Joe Heyman's Twitter
Heard Joe Girardi had 2nd interview w/Mets yesterday. If they want him they’d l
ikely have to act now as Phillies are ready to make call by end of week and all
signs point to JG as Philly favorite. Phils like all 3 of their candidates but J
G said to hit it off w/Middleton/Klentak
所有跡象都顯示Girardi是費城人的首選,費城人雖然也對Baker, Showalter但最大頭的老
Girardi seems much more likely to wind up with Phillies. His interviews there ar
e said to have gone great, and perception may be that he’d have more freedom in
Philadelphia. Mets covering bases. No certainty he’d be their 1st choice.
受自由 (按:指紐媒跟球迷太苛刻?) 梅子的首選是誰仍不明朗。
作者: Roshiel (Roshiel)   2018-10-24 15:50:00
作者: benrun (斑斑)   2019-10-24 16:47:00
友愛之都欸 大家人很好的
作者: y800122155 (@__@)   2019-10-24 16:48:00
Girardi滿手offer 要宣布也是他宣布八
作者: ultratimes   2019-10-24 17:01:00
作者: ocean11 (深海)   2019-10-24 18:30:00
友愛之都可不是浪得虛名的耶 嘿嘿
作者: zzs123344 (愛吹吹)   2019-10-24 18:52:00
友愛之邦 XD
作者: darvipon (達比胖)   2019-10-24 19:14:00
作者: crazypeo45 (死刑)   2019-10-24 21:31:00
作者: Carreras (古 典 愛 樂)   2019-10-24 21:53:00
因為有人驚爆內幕 說修瓦特 很討厭哈波... 就出局喏
作者: jorgesoler (在IG遇見妳stormtrollper)   2019-10-27 12:22:00

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