[外電] WSH季後預測

作者: GioGonzalez (G-Gon)   2014-11-08 23:00:17
Complete Offseason Guide, Predictions for the Washington Nationals
By Rick Weiner, Featured Columnist
Oct 8, 2014
For the second time in three years, the Washington Nationals can call
themselves division champions and nothing more, having been knocked out in the
division series once again.
It's a disappointing end for a team that looked like one of the favorites to
represent the National League in the World Series. Changes are certainly going
to be made between now and Opening Day 2015, though to what extent won't be
known for at least another few months.
What follows is an overview of some of the decisions that the team is going to
have to make—and some of the players they may look to in order to bolster the
By Rick Weiner, 10/8
1.Payroll Breakdown
With an Opening Day payroll of more than $136 million—an $18 million jump from
2013—Washington owner Mark Lerner openly admitted that the team was topped out
“We’re beyond topped out,” Lerner told Adam Kilgore of The Washington Post
shortly after the season began. “Our payroll has skyrocketed to like $140
million. It’s in the papers. I don’t think we can go much further with the
revenue streams that we have.”
Those revenue streams continue to be negatively impacted by the ongoing
litigation between Washington and Baltimore over tens of millions of dollars in
television rights fees from MASN (Mid-Atlantic Sports Network) that currently
go to the Orioles.
The question is, will he sign off on spending more—in the $150 million to $160
million range—to help get his club over the hump and into the National League
Championship Series without a resolution to the team's ongoing legal issues?
Washington has a number of key players due significant raises through the
arbitration process, and working out long-term deals with some of its young
talent is surely going to be something that general manager Mike Rizzo would
like to explore.
Without any real indication as to whether ownership has softened its stance on
the payroll, it's tough to predict exactly what the Nationals are going to do.
But we'll give it a shot anyway.
2014WSH的payroll是136M,比2013多了18M。WSH老闆Mark Lerner公開承認球隊payroll已然

些年輕大物是GM Mike Rizzo需要面對的課題。
2.Arbitration-Eligible Players
Players Headed for Arbitration (2014 salary)
‧LHP Jerry Blevins ($1.675 million)
‧RHP Tyler Clippard ($5.875 million)
‧LHP Ross Detwiler ($3 million)
‧IF Danny Espinosa ($540,850)
‧RHP Doug Fister ($7.2 million)
‧IF/OF Kevin Frandsen ($900,000)
‧C Jose Lobaton ($950,000)
‧RHP Ross Ohlendorf ($1.25 million)
‧C Wilson Ramos ($2.095 million)
‧RHP Craig Stammen ($1.375 million)
‧RHP Drew Storen ($3.45 million)
‧RHP Stephen Strasburg ($3.975 million)
Ideally, the Nationals would be able to lock both Doug Fister and Stephen
Strasburg up to long-term deals.
But both are likely to be seeking more than $100 million, making such a
scenario extremely unlikely. Another one-year deal for each awaits, with Fister
coming in around $10 million and Strasburg in the $7 million to $8 million
Tyler Clippard and Drew Storen are quickly becoming an expensive bullpen pair,
but can the Nationals really afford not to keep either one after Rafael
Soriano's second-half implosion?
The answer, of course, is no, and both will be back, despite Storen's shaky
postseason performance. Clippard will be pulling in close to $7 million, with
Storen in the neighborhood of $5 million.
While Wilson Ramos has never become the offensive force that he was touted as,
he's been a steadying force behind the plate for one of baseball's most
talented pitching staffs—when he plays.
It's been three years since Ramos was on the field for more than 90
regular-season games, making a long-term deal for the 27-year-old backstop a
bit of a risk. A one-year deal around $4 million sounds about right.
Danny Espinosa had another disappointing season, but he remains relatively
affordable with a salary around $1 million.
Teams are sure to call and check on his availability over the winter, but with
a mediocre crop of second basemen available as free agents, Espinosa could
factor into Washington’s plans at the position in 2015.
2. 薪資仲裁
讓目前的局面看起來不太可能成真。可能兩個都先加薪一年,Fister 10M,小史7-8M。
Clippard可能會加薪到7M,Storen 5M。
儘管捕手Wilson Ramos從沒有變成他自己說的「攻擊砲火」,但他還是國民一票天才洋溢投
Danny Espinosa今年還是沒長出來,但他1M的薪資,讓CP值還過得去。球隊一定會兜售他,

Potential Free Agents
‧2B/SS Asdrubal Cabrera
‧OF Scott Hairston
‧1B Adam LaRoche ($15 million mutual option, $2 million buyout)
‧2B/3B Anthony Rendon (team option*)
‧OF Nate Schierholtz
‧RP Rafael Soriano ($14 million team option)
‧CF Denard Span ($9 million team option)
There's a case to be made for the Nationals to re-sign Asdrubal Cabrera to play
second base, despite his limited range, but it's an unlikely scenario. There's
a team out there willing to bet that it can get Cabrera's bat back on track,
and it'll offer more than the Nationals are comfortable with.
Adam LaRoche is going to wind up an unfortunate casualty of Ryan Zimmerman's
inability to play the hot corner anymore, something that LaRoche recently told
Mark Zuckerman of Comcast SportsNet and NatsInsider.com that he's resigned to:
“If you had to ask me now, I would assume that I would have to move on,
Despite hitting .259 with an .817 OPS and leading the team in home runs (26)
and RBI (92), the Nationals have to find a new home for the injury-prone
Zimmerman, and first base is the most logical landing spot.
Exercising the option on Anthony Rendon's contract, for whatever the amount may
be, is an easy decision for the Nationals. Though in a perfect world, the club
would get his signature on a long-term deal as quickly as possible.
Bringing back Denard Span on a $9 million option and declining the $14 million
option on former closer Rafael Soriano are also easy decisions for GM Mike
Rizzo to make.
The two veteran outfielders remaining on the list, Scott Hairston and Nate
Schierholtz, are both expendable with the emergence of Steven Souza and, to a
lesser extent, Michael Taylor.
3. 可能變成FA的球員
重簽守備範圍不大的Asdrubal Cabrera 困難度有點高。一定會有球隊在外面等著要Cabrera
Adam LaRoche即將變成Ryan Zimmerman不能守3B的犧牲品了。最近,LaRoche這樣告訴CSN記
者Mark Zuckerman說,「你若現在問我的話,我覺得我需要向前看了(指轉隊)。」
儘管LaRoche今年打出.259打率、.817 OPS與領先全隊的26發HR、92分RBI,但WSH需要為因
無論金額怎樣,總之撿Anthony Rendon的option就對了!理想狀態下,WSH會盡快和Rendon
簽長約。撿Denard Span明年的9M option、不撿Rafael Soriano明年的14M option也是非常
(附註:Rendon 2015的option值多少錢,目前並不清楚,但確定是Team option。)
兩位外野老將Scott Hairston 與 Nate Schierholtz 將會留在名單中,以應付Souza與(機
4. Potential Free-Agent Targets
Assuming that Asdrubal Cabrera departs as a free agent, the Nationals are going
to be in the market for a new starting second baseman.
While there are a handful of veteran options available via free agency, none of
them are overly exciting. Still, someone has to play the position, and Danny
Espinosa can't do it alone.
Expect the Nationals to look to bolster the bullpen in free agency as well,
specifically when it comes to adding a second left-handed reliever to
complement Matt Thornton.
Jerry Blevins was mediocre at best for Washington, and there's little chance
the team will bring him back.
Here are some of the names the Nationals could be linked to once free agency
‧Emilio Bonifacio, 2B/OF: He's limited offensively, but Bonifacio can hol
his own defensively at second base. His base-stealing acumen could be useful
toward the bottom of the Nationals lineup. Won't cost an exorbitant amount to
sign and has the versatility to play multiple positions.
‧Sean Burnett, LHP: Probably a big stretch here, but Burnett, who has see
his career derailed by back-to-back season-ending elbow injuries, did have his
best years in Washington (a 2.81 ERA from 2009-12). A huge risk, but on an
incentive-laden deal, could reap huge rewards.
‧Andrew Miller, LHP: Miller will be costly—something around thethree-yea
$16.5 million deal that Boone Logan got from Colorado—but he's the best
left-handed reliever, and arguably the best middle reliever, available.
Andrew Miller, LHP:Miller可能很貴,要價大概跟Boone Logan與COL簽的16.5M/3y差不多
‧Ramon Santiago, 2B/SS: Santiago doesn't hit for average—a lifetime .227
hitter—but he showed an uncanny knack for getting on base with Cincinnati in
2014 (.343 on-base percentage) and plays above-average defense at second and
看WSH補充牛棚也差不多,尤其WSH必須填補Matt Thorton離隊後,第二個左手牛的洞。
Jerry Blevins是個不太好的選擇啦,但WSH仍有一點點機會留下他。
Emilio Bonifacio, 2B/OF:進攻不佳,但足以靠著守備佔著2B。盜壘技巧也能夠在後段棒
Sean Burnett, LHP:這個選擇滿困難的。儘管他曾連續兩年因手肘傷勢而整季報銷,但他
生涯表現最好時期都在WSH(09-12年,ERA 2.81)風險很高,但若激勵條款的方式,也許可
Andrew Miller, LHP:Miller可能很貴,要價大概跟Boone Logan與COL簽的16.5M/3y差不多
Ramon Santiago, 2B/SS:
It's easier for any team to improve itself via free agency than by trades for
one simple reason: You need someone else to trade with.
Yet Washington GM Mike Rizzo isn't afraid to make a deal when one needs to be
made. You can be sure he'll be working the phones this winter, especially when
it comes to finding a solution at second base. You saw some of the names on the
free-agent market. It's ugly out there.
Now keep in mind, there's no indication that any of the players listed below
are readily available...yet. But once the playoffs are over and the offseason
kicks into high gear, they could be.
‧Didi Gregorius, 2B/SS, Arizona Diamondbacks: He had a rough 2014 campaig
the plate and in the field, but the 24-year-old is widely regarded as a superb
defender at shortstop, someone who should be able to handle second base.
Questions about his bat remain, however.
‧Jose Ramirez, 2B/SS, Cleveland Indians: Top prospect Francisco Lindor wi
take over as the team's everyday shortstop, while Jason Kipnis is entrenched at
second base, leaving Ramirez a man without a position. He's held his own at the
plate (.262 BA, 85 wRC+) and offers above-average defense at both middle
infield positions.
‧Ben Zobrist, 2B/OF, Tampa Bay Rays: Zobrist enters the final year of his
contract with the Rays, and like nearly every All-Star-caliber player who has
called Tampa Bay home, he's going to be too expensive for the Rays to keep past
this season. He's got some pop in his bat, can play second and either of the
corner outfield spots and knows how to get on base consistently.
Unless otherwise noted/linked, all statistics courtesy of
Baseball-Reference.com and FanGraphs; all payroll and salary information
courtesy of Cot's Contracts.
Want to talk Nationals' offseason plans or anything baseball related? Hit me up
on Twitter: @RickWeinerBR
Didi Gregorius, 2B/SS(ARI):2014年,他表現還有點粗糙,包括打擊跟守備。但大家都覺
Jose Ramirez, 2B/SS(CLE):潛力新秀Lindor會站穩SS,Kipnis會守2B,Ramirez被
擠出來了。他的打擊還OK,.262打率、85 wRC+,SS與2B守備都在標準之上。
Ben Zobrist, 2B/OF(TB):明年是Zoby合約的最後一年,就如同TB出產的其它明星球員
作者: corlos (ナニソレ、イミワカンナ)   2014-11-08 23:02:00
作者: ps20012001 (開始想明年新計畫)   2014-11-08 23:10:00
作者: ug945 (ug945)   2014-11-08 23:26:00
作者: Serphim   2014-11-09 00:18:00
所以國民最大的問題就是Payroll可以考慮一下古巴人 賭對的話就飛天了2015小熊拿冠軍 可以拿JZnn去跟小熊交易
作者: weian (林帛亨加油!!!)   2014-11-09 01:47:00
最大的問題是 2015 要避開小熊 XDD
作者: Werth (鬍某)   2014-11-09 02:04:00
作者: joy41515 (joy41515)   2014-11-09 02:59:00
作者: vg175 (非典型廢言)   2014-11-09 08:20:00
作者: Werth (鬍某)   2014-11-09 11:24:00
即使老大去1B 找個3B應該比找2B容易又風險低
作者: joy41515 (joy41515)   2014-11-09 14:09:00
作者: GioGonzalez (G-Gon)   2014-11-09 14:44:00
作者: ZaneTrout (帥氣火迷)   2014-11-09 23:36:00
作者: shigowen (shigo)   2014-11-10 13:56:00
太久沒看  原來國民的payroll那麼的高= =
作者: corlos (ナニソレ、イミワカンナ)   2014-11-10 16:05:00
作者: ps20012001 (開始想明年新計畫)   2014-11-10 21:27:00

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