[外電] Fernando Rodney Is Ricky Vaughn

作者: immortalqq (大牛)   2012-05-26 00:24:51
Fernando Rodney Is Ricky Vaughn
by Jack Moore - May 25, 2012
正文翻譯前 先來看看標題XXXD
"Ricky Vaughn"??? Who is he???
Ricky "Wild Thing" Vaughn 有印象了吧
http://ppt.cc/_gPP http://ppt.cc/pUHi
先來聽首歌吧 : )
他是1989年電影 Major League裡的角色(1994年出續集)
Fernando Rodney's 2012 season is redefining relief domination. The veteran
flamethrower is turning into the real life version of Ricky "Wild Thing"
Vaughn, transforming from a wild pitcher who never harnessed his stuff into
one of the surest ninth innings in baseball. Rodney will carry a 38 FIP- and
an incredible 11 ERA- into his next appearance. It's only 22.2 innings, but
Rodney would need to walk 25 batters and allow 15 runs in his next 9.1
innings to equal his totals from 32 innings last season.
Rodney 2012年的賽季重新定義了RP的優勢
這位火球男就像Ricky Vaughn一樣,從一位不會控球的投手成為最可靠的CL
他的FIP-是38 ERA-是驚人的11
(對照組:Jim Johnson FIP-:90;ERA-:22 Aroldis Chapman: FIP-:14 ERA-:0)
假設Rodney要回到去年水準 他在接下來的9.1局內要保送25人 然後掉15分
Ricky Vaughn didn't find the strike zone until manager Lou Brown discovered
that his fireballer needed glasses. It's unclear if Joe Maddon, pitching
coach Jim Hickey or some other Rays coach is the Lou Brown in Rodney's
story, but Rodney definitely has his own version of Vaughn's glasses this
season. Observe, Rodney's release point in 2012, compared to 2011:
Ricky Vaughn到Lou Brown(電影裡翻"路" 是總教練)發現他的火球需要一副眼鏡
現在不清楚是Joe Maddon(俗稱:西瓜)和投手教練Jim Hickey還是其他教練
Although most release point changes come from changes in arm angle, that isn't
the case here. Instead — as was first pointed out by former FanGraphs
author R.J. Anderson over at Baseball Prospectus — Rodney has shifted on the
雖然放球點的變化 大部分是來自於手臂的角度的改變
但是Rodney的不同 R.J. Anderson這位仁兄發現他站的位子移動了
The real change for Rodney has been tremendous control — although an 8.74
K/9 is solid, it's only half a point above his career average. It's the
three walks in 22.2 innings that's completely new, as he's never even ran a
BB/9 less than three in his career. It's tough to draw a direct line between
his mound shift and his control, but the results are stark. Specifically, he
almost never misses off the inside corner any more with his fastball. Take a
look at the difference between 2012 and 2011 (all graphics from catcher’s
Rodney真正的改變是他驚人的控球(目前8.74的K/9 只比他生涯高出0.5)
22.2局內"只"丟了3個BB 而且重點是他生涯的BB/9 從來就沒有小於3過!
The highlighted sections denote pitches inside to lefties and righties. There
are a good number of pitches inside these zones, particularly to righties.
你可以看到他投了很多的內角球 特別是對右打者
Fast forward to 2012:
Rodney has thrown about half as many pitches and two-thirds as many innings
as he did last year with the Angels — but he has managed to almost
completely avoid these zones inside, off the plate where he returned to so
frequently last season. Even the inner thirds, over the plate, are
significantly more empty this season. He seems to be making a distinct effort
to throw to the outer half of the plate — and unlike in previous seasons —
he's actually been able to consistently hit his spots.
Rodney目前跟去年比 投了接近一半的球數跟2/3的局數
但是他避免了投到內角 甚至投到三壞球的機會也少了
他做了很多的努力投到外角(好球帶外) 而且他真的比較能控制球到一定的位置
Chances are that Rodney's shift on the mound is but a small piece of a
larger reworking of the way he pitches. But much like Rick Vaughn's
spectacular spectacles, it is by far the most noticeable. This is not just
the same Fernando Rodney who could never hit his spots simply showing up and
magically popping the zone again and again. The Rays have changed something
fundamental about Rodney's approach, and now at age 35, he's showing the
stuff that makes him among the best relief pitchers in the league.
就像Rick Vaughn的眼鏡一樣 是最容易被發現的
35歲的他正展現他的stuff 成為聯盟中頂尖的投手
O-Swing% 37.7% (生涯26.2%)
O-Contact% 58.7% (生涯59.2%)
Z-Swing% 54.4% (生涯63.3%) 但這跟去年差不多
Z-Contact% 76.5% (生涯81.0%)
Contact% 68.8% (生涯74.6%)
SwStr% 14.0% (生涯11.2%)
整個人都不一樣@@ 何況他BB少了3倍.....
成績可能會上修 但是要回到過去BB連發的Rodney 好像不太可能
是 光芒靈氣 嗎???
作者: catsondbs (貓仔)   2012-05-26 00:40:00
咦 這篇沒提Rodney除了改變站位也改了抬腿動作
作者: catsondbs (貓仔)   2012-05-26 00:41:00
文裡提到的R.J. Anderson今天剛發現他現在幾乎沒抬腿了
作者: catsondbs (貓仔)   2012-05-26 00:42:00
我覺得比起改變站位不再大幅度抬腿對控球有影響得多 XD
作者: aa714564 (醬醬醬~)   2012-05-26 00:44:00
上禮拜 HBO 1跟2都有播耶
作者: lovecszoo (Mr.五秒)   2012-05-26 00:49:00
作者: ohmyya (三翻西施狗)   2012-05-26 00:53:00
作者: SamFuld (山佛)   2012-05-26 00:54:00
明年再給人撿走大嘆假貨 XD
作者: a52080035 (呆)   2012-05-26 01:15:00
作者: EEERRIICC (大尾魯蛇)   2012-05-26 01:28:00
光芒靈氣傑作有哪些!? Benoit Balfour ?
作者: maxspeed150 (聽說茉夏分手了)   2012-05-26 01:37:00
J.P. Howell, Dan Wheeler, Rafael Soriano
作者: KS23 (暗色)   2012-05-26 01:59:00
作者: tsming (斷水流大師兄)   2012-05-26 10:31:00
Wild thing XDDDDD

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