[閒聊] 關於職業賽事無法回溯時的勝負裁定

作者: BRITAINCAT (法蘭克貓)   2018-09-12 19:55:40
剛剛看到 LCK 爆炸有很多人在談比賽勝負裁定的問題,基本上當初六都也是有去參考各
大聯賽的規章,我印象中大家都差不多,因未不會韓文貼個LMS 和 NA LCS 的規章供參
這是 2018 LMS 夏季賽的勝負裁定:
7.3.9 勝負判斷
比賽時若發生斷網、斷電、發生重大 Bug、遊戲比賽房崩潰、比賽伺服器(TWTR)障礙及任
何導致遊戲崩壞而無法順利繼續進行比賽等情況時,遊戲時間 20 分鐘內的比賽將重新開
始,遊戲時間超過 20 分鐘的比賽,若滿足以下任一條件裁判有權將可直接判決勝負:
(1) 經濟差距:兩隊參賽隊伍於遊戲中的經濟差距大於 33%。
(2) 剩餘塔數差距:兩隊參賽隊伍持有塔數差距大於 7 座。
(3) 剩餘水晶兵營差距:兩隊參賽隊伍持有水晶兵營數差距大於 2,已經毀壞過又重生的
這邊也同步提供北美 2018 LCS SUMMER 的手冊給大家參考:
In the event of a technical difficulty which leads League Officials to
declare a restart, League Officials may instead award a game victory to a team
. If a game has been played for more than 20 minutes on the game clock
(00:20:00), League Officials, in their sole discretion, may determine that a
team cannot avoid defeat to a degree of reasonable certainty. League Officials
may, but are not required to,use any or all of the following criteria in the
determination that one team cannot avoid defeat to a degree of reasonable
這邊和 LMS 第一段一樣,不翻了。
13.1.1 Gold Differential. The difference in gold between the teams is more
than 33%.
經濟差距:兩隊參賽隊伍於遊戲中的經濟差距大於 33%。
13.1.2 Remaining Turret Differential. The difference in the number of
remaining turrets between the teams is more than seven (7).
剩餘塔數差距:兩隊參賽隊伍持有塔數差距大於 7 座。
13.1.3 Remaining Inhibitor Differential. The difference in the number of
standing inhibitors between the teams is more than two (2).
剩餘水晶兵營差距:兩隊參賽隊伍持有水晶兵營數差距大於 2,已經毀壞過又重生的
前三個都和 LMS 一樣,不過多了:
13.1.4 Remaining Nexus Turret Differential. The difference in the number
of remaining nexus turrets between the teams is two (2).
13.1.5 Respawning Player Differential. The difference in live player
characters between the teams is at least four (4), with the remaining
death timers on all dead players being at least forty (40) seconds or
13.1.6 Straight Up GG. At the time of technical difficulty, there is no
scenario that in the opinion of League Officials, could result in anything
other than the victory of one team (e.g. at 45 minutes one team is aced
and the ADC and jungler on the opposing team have a minion wave and are
running into the opposing base).
判給GG Win!
作者: joseph860504 (巴巴巴巴巴巴巴巴)   2018-09-12 20:06:00
U文 但大家要先討論廢文

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