[閒聊] FW vs SUP Game 1 Discussion @ reddit

作者: fkc (Mr. 男子漢)   2017-05-05 03:06:34
[+] 所以事情的發展差不多就這樣了
(So thats how that is supposed to go)
[-] 是阿,讓大家看清楚到底NA有多糟
[+] 這就是讓外卡打主要賽區的結果。咖薩還是很猛,媽寶也還是很猛。
[+] (掛TSM隊徽) 我的屁眼準備好了 (My butthole is ready.)
[-] 有潤滑了嗎? (Lots of lube?)
[+] RIP NA
[-] 死豬不怕滾水燙了 (Can't kill what's already dead)
[+] 覺得 TSM 認為跟 FW 差不多強的人,實在有夠可笑
[+] "Bjerg is the best non-Korean player in the world"
"Hold our beers" - Flash Wolves, probably.
FW: "幫我拿著一下啤酒"

[+] 看了昨天外卡打外卡的比賽之後,今天看到主要賽區的參與讓我感覺好多了。
(After watching wildcard vs wildcard yesterday,
watching a major region made me feel better.)
其他就 Maple 跟 Karsa 被捧到翻了

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