Re: [閒聊] 球Z在Reddit上和鄉民AMA

作者: TrueTears (真實之淚)   2015-05-13 20:51:48
: 來源:
1. Hey lillballz, Thanks for doing the AMA.
so Ive been watching LMS a lot, sometimes I put match report onto the PTT. Im
always excited to see my region grow. Do you think LMS should get some
English caster for people outside the country know the region a bit more?
問球Z LMS是否應該要有英文轉播讓其他國家的觀眾可以更了解LMS賽區
Lilballz :
The positioning of RiotTW is that an english stream should start soon, I was
actually asked to cast in english for Taiwan, but I personally feel my
english isnt good enough to be a english caster.
Lilballz : 台灣的Riot會在近期開始LMS的英文轉播
而且我有被徵詢過要不要去播 但我覺得我英文不夠好到可以播
2. rkl or lilballz: What's your opinion on CoCodai and maplesnow compared to
other LMS mid and top lanes in terms of skills and potential?
Lilballz :
Individually they are decently skilled, but need to work on team mentality
and and structure of of higher level of play.
rkL :
I agree with Lilballz, both these players showed great potential and with the
proper focus and structure / organization around them I think have the
potential to be upcoming top tier players.
球Z : 技術還不錯 但是團隊思考和組織能力還需要加強
rkL(MSE老闆) : 和球Z看法相同 覺得他們有潛力成為頂尖選手
3. rKL: Does Westdoor defect to NA or EU?
rkL : Neither, from what I hear he has a decent contract with ahq and they
treat him pretty well over at the ahq organization, but i could be wrong
rkL : 不會 西門有份不錯的合約 而且ahq待他很好 但我也有可能是錯的
4. Do your players play on KR server? Do you think TW pros should do it more
你們的隊員會打韓服嗎? 台灣的職業選手是否該多打韓服?
rkL: All of our players are required to play KR SoloQ
rkL: 我們所有的選手都有被要求去打韓服soloQ
5. Do you think AHQ is the "best" LMS team right now?
If no who do you think is?
AHQ是現在LMS最強的隊伍嗎? 如果不是你認為是哪一隊
Lilballz :
Season hasnt started so we cant say who is best, but from the LMS finals and
MSI ahq is definitely the best at playing this tank meta, but once the LMS
starts we should be on another patch and its all up in the air again
Lilballz : 在這個大男meta當中ahq確實是LMS當中最強的隊伍
但是夏季賽開打後應該會採用新的版本(5.8) 到時後就很難說了
6. Thoughts on this video? (
對這影片有何看法 (一堆髒話XD)
Lilballz :
Ive been chasing the guy from Baron, and I wanted to get the kill, but he was
too damn fast
also HotshotGG lied to me, he said he had him, then missed his cyclone on
Lilballz : 我從巴龍那邊開始追那個人 我想殺他但是他跑太快了
而且HotshotGG騙我 HotshotGG說抓到了他 但是HotshotGG的珍娜的Q miss了
另外還有兩則也是蠻有趣的 但不太確定怎麼翻才對
7. Recently, despite Bebe announcing his retirement last year, he made it
back into the LMS by starting his own team, along with a few other past TPA
members, called "Assassin Sniper". Thoughts about that roster?
Lilballz :
Although filled with talent, the team is here to have fun and play, kinda
like if an NA stream team was possible in S2 or S3 of the LCS.
8. After watching the MSI and with your former experience with the NA region.
Do you believe TSM failed to deliver because of differences in mechanics or
simple because they were over-hyped which put a lot on pressure on the
players which made it hard for them to perform?
Liaballz: As a pro player I dont think being overhyped should affect your performance.
I dont think either of your factors affected TSM, I think the biggest reason
for TSM falling behind during MSI is the failure to adapt quickly enough to
the new Meta

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