Re: [閒聊] Spectate Faker 被 Azubu 要求關台

作者: sssdragonsss ( Prince )   2015-02-25 00:53:07
※ 引述《L0v35 (是零不是歐)》之銘言:
: Dear fans,
: SKT T1 would like to express its stance on streaming of Faker's games that
: recently became an issue in a foreign player community (Reddit).
: SKT T1想對轉播Faker的實況這件事說點什麼
: First of all, SKT and other pro eSports teams have started streaming business
: last year to help ensure stable environment for players to play
: professionally. Not only has the streaming deal expressly helped with
: players' with their professional activities, it also has been a good medium
: through which a pro gamer's value is recognized.
: SKT和其他職業隊去年都開始投入實況來增加電競產業的穩定性
: 實況不僅幫助選手們的職業生涯 也讓選手得到曝光度
: Unfortunately, some of the fans have been re-broadcasting Faker's (and other
: SKT T1 players') games through the spectator mode, and this has negatively
: affected players' streaming business. Faker, a member of the SKT T1, also
: expressed discomfort over the current situation where his summoner name and
: videos of his games are being broadcasted with no consent.
: 很不幸的 有些粉絲開始透過觀察者模式轉播Faker和其他SKT選手的U戲
: 而這影響到了選手的實況
: Faker本人也說很不蘇胡 因為自己的ID和遊戲內容在未經他的允許下被轉播
延伸問題, 假設應朋友要求開實況一起同樂, 打一打就一直傳說, 氣氛非常歡樂,
但是對面全頻說知道我在開實況, 說他不同意他的ID和遊戲內容在未經他的允許下
被轉播, 說這樣侵犯他的權利, 尤其是他這場沒認真玩才會被我一直殺到傳說,
被其他人看到會很丟臉, 反正就一直強調不同意他的ID和遊戲內容在未經他的允許下
想說有人抗議就關掉了, 不過其他開實況的人利用這些遊戲內容在賺錢, 到底合不合理?
現在遊戲營運商都會利用合約規範使用者(玩家), 所以精選對戰, 或透過觀戰系統的觀戰,
原本就是這套遊戲系統的內容之一, 所以玩家要玩這遊戲勢必得接受遊戲商的規範,
讓遊戲商可以取得有利的條件(權利)進行各種操作(轉播.剪輯.再製.如 TOP PLAYS.
或販售廣告或尋求贊助或轉售部份權利), 這樣一來所有沒有獲得遊戲營運商授權的
使用者開實況都是侵犯遊戲營運商的權利, 而且如果利用這樣的行為獲利, 會產生
: SKT T1 team and its players truly appreciate the fans' fantastic support and
: interest. However, we would like to politely request the re-broadcasting of
: our players' games without our consent to be stopped
: SKT T1和選手們很感謝粉絲的支持
: 但我們希望這些未經允許的轉播能夠停止

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