[學習] 時代雜誌精讀_哈佛大學生的畢業驪歌

作者: OKE23641015 (OKE美語)   2020-05-23 15:50:03
What's lost without commencement(畢業典禮)?
By Kristine E. Guillaume and Jeremy Tsai
*** 精選段落 ***
Though the speeches are often riddled with trite remarks (Don’t be afraid to
fail! Follow your dreams!), we admit we find ourselves craving those clichés
and the moments when speeches rise above them. In 2008, J.K. Rowling
delivered the Harvard commencement address, defending the importance of
perseverance and imagination: “We do not need magic to change the world, we
carry all the power we need inside ourselves already; we have the power to
imagine better.” Rowling’s speech gave a sense of agency over our lives.
Messages like this, delivered over the years by the likes of John F. Kennedy,
Oprah Winfrey and Steve Jobs, have propelled graduates
into the future, helping them recognize who they are becoming and how that
squares with who they want to be.
*** 重點詞彙 ***
1. be riddled with (vphr) 充滿...(常用於負面特徵)
That essay is riddled with errors.
2. trite remarks 陳腔濫調
trite (adj) 平庸陳腐的
3. crave those clichés 渴望陳腔濫調
crave (vt) 強烈想要某物;渴望
Many people crave happiness.
4. the importance of perseverance 毅力的重要性
perseverance (nu) 毅力
[拆解] per [very] + sever [strict/serious] + ance [字尾:表
5. propel graduates into the future 激勵畢業生走向未來
♀propel someone into something 驅使某人進入某個狀態
♀The speech has propelled the audience into action.
[拆解] pro [forward] + pel [to drive]
6. square A with B A和B相匹配或一致
The results didn't square with our expectations
*** 段落解析 ***
調,以及演講更上一層樓的時刻。 2008 年, J.K.羅琳於哈佛大學畢業典禮致辭,捍衛
甘迺迪、歐普拉和史蒂夫・ 賈伯斯等人傳遞的訊息激勵畢業生走向未來,幫助他們認識
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