[外絮] Kobe allowed JLin & Young to help

作者: djviva (時鼠無奈)   2014-11-19 23:05:46
Kobe Bryant Allows Jeremy Lin & Nick Young to Help http://tinyurl.com/oo44fb8
Kobe終於肯讓林書豪跟Nick Young來幫手了
Offensively, this is what the Los Angeles Lakers aspire to look like. Kobe
Bryant shooting but not overdoing it. Nick Young providing, finally, an
offensive option off the bench, while Jeremy Lin gets plenty of touches and
feels confident about doing his thing, leading to a 114-109 win over the
Atlanta Hawks.
湖人的團隊攻勢終於打得像期待中的樣子了, Kobe仍有出手攻擊但沒過份自幹, 而Young
終於從板凳區出來扛攻擊手的責任, 林書豪也有了較多的球權並充滿信心的打出屬於他
的籃球, 湖人今天就以114-109擊敗老鷹
Yes, the Lakers, finally, have their second win of the season, and we’re
still in November. Maybe there’s hope yet. It’s hard to estimate just how
important the return of Nick Young has been. The Lakers had no one off the
bench that could create points for himself. Young is a selfish player that
can be frustrating for fans and teammates to watch at times, but he can put
points on the board and quickly. The essence of a useful sixth man. He scored
17 points on an efficient 6-of-10 from the field, including 2-of-4 from
beyond the arc.
本季第二勝開張! 才11月湖人還保有希望, Young的回歸對湖人有多重要很難去做出評估
, 湖人的板凳區內沒有人能像他這樣替自己創造得分, 因為他是個很自私的球員, 這份
自私的球風有時會讓球迷與隊友賭爛, 但他的確能很快的得到分數, 球隊需要這樣的第
六人, 他今天就10投6中包涵三分4中2拿下17分
Kobe Bryant got past the 32,000 career point mark, stopping at 32,001, with
the shot that got him over the threshold being the most important for the
Lakers in the fourth quarter, giving them a five-point lead (107-102) while
the Hawks were constantly aiming to tie the game up with their ability to
have five players on the floor that can all hit shots from beyond the arc.
Their last opportunity of tying the game came from Pero Antic, as the Lakers
actually did a good job defensively, smothering the possibility of Kyle
Korver getting open. Bryant finished the game with 28 points.
107-102, 真的差一點就被老鷹給追上了說~今天老大拿下28分
Jeremy Lin? He didn’t take 12 to 15 shots like some think would benefit his
own cause while doing the same for the Lakers as well, but with Carlos Boozer
feeling confident (scoring 20 points on 10-of-14 from the field) and Nick
Young supplying some relief for Bryant’s never ending plea to take as many
shots as possible, Lin didn’t have to be selfish with the ball. He took only
seven shots (making six of them), added 10 assists and scored 15 points,
playing as the point guard he is, only not allowed to be most of the time.
今天的林書豪, 並沒像一些林迷期待的自私點出手12~15次, 因為現在球隊有了三個自幹
王:Kobe, Young, Boozer, 所以打球向來很無私的林書豪剛好可以居中控球餵飽這三位
火槍手, 今天的林只出手7次卻極讚的命中6次拿下15分!! 另外傳出10次助攻, 在有限的
Beating the Hawks and scoring 114 points on them a few days after they gave
up 127 points to the Cleveland Cavaliers might not sound as much, but the
Hawks were undefeated at home going into this game. They’re a very good team
with at least three players who can score 20 points on any given night, with
two of them reaching that total. After all, these are the Lakers, who can win
by making an effort on defense, but not really shutting down anyone.
老鷹先前才被騎士以127分擊敗, 聽來今天湖人用114分獲勝好像就沒那樣出色了, 但請別
忘記老鷹的主場可是固若金湯, 本季今天之前的主場都沒輸過(3場:溜馬尼克爵士),
雖然老鷹是支好球隊, 但總之今天湖人就是贏了~
The big difference compared to the previous losses, especially the one
against the Warriors, was getting a hold on the game early on. The Lakers led
by 11 points at the end of the first quarter and scored 67 points in the
first half. Lin himself scored 8 points in that run and the Lakers had the
opportunity to get Boozer going early. Giving confidence to him and Jordan
Hill early on by pushing the ball into the paint instead of letting it get
stuck on the perimeter pays dividends for the entire game.
對比湖人先前的敗仗, 特別是對勇士那場, 最大的差異就是開賽沒多久就大比分落後, 今
天的湖人第一節打完領先11分, 上半場拿下了67分, 攻擊引擎早早熱機下, 林書豪跟不惹
跟Hill都較能放開來打, 湖人的球也就不像先前一過半場就卡住, 而能有效的往禁區遞
So is it all OK and better now for the Lakers? No. They’re still an
appalling team defensively giving up more points per possession than any
other team in the NBA. We also still don’t know if Bryant can keep himself
restrained like he did in this win all the time. Lin having 10 assists isn’t
just a sign of players suddenly making shots – it means the ball moved and
didn’t get stuck to you know who. There are many problems with the Lakers.
Nick Young returning to the team fixes one of them. Convincing Bryant to be a
team player fixes a lot of the others.
1. 湖人在防守方面還是驚倒人的差, 目前還是全聯盟場均失分最多的
2. 無法確定Kobe會不會因為今天的勝利而覺醒以後不再瘋狂自幹combo hit
3. 林書豪今天傳出10助攻不是因為隊友們突然手感好變準了, 這10助攻代表的意義是球
的流動更順暢, 也不再卡在大家都知道卻不能說名字的人手上
湖人仍存在著許多待解的問題, Young的歸隊只是解決了其中一項
作者: patrickleeee (派脆)   2014-11-19 23:19:00
推翻譯 露屁就免了XD
作者: a55665203031 (5566我愛你)   2014-11-20 01:59:00
男的也沒差 別露臉即可XD
作者: sillywhoever (I love God)   2014-11-20 06:22:00
不想看你的屁股! 但是必須擊落火箭!!!
作者: bluesunflowe   2014-11-20 10:31:00
沒露臉的話根本不知道是不是本人的屁屁阿..一.一我覺得這祭品讓籃球大神生氣了 (認真
作者: counterpunch (你最珍貴)   2014-11-20 13:18:00
d大露屁照當祭品有效耶 笑死我了 XDDDDDD
作者: sillywhoever (I love God)   2014-11-20 13:20:00
D大偷換美女屁股再露, 我不會介意的...
作者: patrickleeee (派脆)   2014-11-20 13:20:00
作者: sillywhoever (I love God)   2014-11-20 13:29:00
囧r2 超圓屁屁~
作者: patrickleeee (派脆)   2014-11-20 15:23:00

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