[外絮] Jeremy Lin: The Best Laker Field Goal

作者: djviva (時鼠無奈)   2014-11-10 17:36:51
Jeremy Lin: The Best Laker Field Goal Shooter http://tinyurl.com/oarh8v5
林書豪, 嗯嗯, 是的寶傑, 是湖人目前最好的射手!! (來賓請掌聲鼓勵鼓勵)
Jeremy Lin is the best field goal shooter on the team. Think about the title.
Jeremy Lin? As the best field goal shooter? Don’t just think of it as the
highest percentage. Think of it as his shooting percentage from different
areas on the floor.
這標題怎麼了? 林書豪? 是湖人最好的shooter?? yo brother, 請別往高出手命中率那
方向去想, 請往場上各種不同面向的出手命中率去想
Let’s look at the other Laker players.
首先, 我們先來看看其他湖人球員
Kobe Bryant can create every kind of shot possible, but seems to shoot the
same 30%-40% everywhere on the floor. He hasn’t gained back his full
explosiveness from a few years back, and that only hurts his finishing
ability in the paint. Instead of exploding up for a dunk, he’s trying to
weasel his way through defenders and at times, gets caught in traffic.
Kobe能夠在不同狀況下創造自己出手的機會, 但目前看來他命中率就只能30~40%, 幾年
前Kobe那得分爆發力仍無法恢復, 這大大傷害了他在禁區中得分的能力, 像是以前他會
衝進去暴扣的球, 現在他會試著避開對方的防守用其他方式取分, 有時候還會受阻無法
Ed Davis is the best overall field goal shooter on the team. But, that
shouldn’t be a surprise. He takes all of his shots in the paint. I’d argue
that half of his shot makes are in transition.
愛的戴維斯當然是隊上命中率最高的人, 這一點也不意外, 因為他都是在禁區討生活,
What about Wayne Ellington? Well, he’s easily the best perimeter shooter on
the team, but his abilities, or lackthereof, inside the 18′ mark take away
from his efficiency. He’s a pure jumpshooter, but simply isn’t comfortable
creating a variety of shots in the paint. Give him credit though. When he
attacks, he usually converts a solid layup. There’s not much inbetween.
那W.Ellington咧? 我會說他是湖人半場最好的射手, 但在18英呎內就不那麼有效率了,
他是個純射手, 可在油漆區內沒轍, 如果他往內攻多半會看到他用小人物上籃處理球,
Then there’s Jeremy Lin. Essentially, he has three shots in his arsenal.
He attacks the basket with speed on either side of the hoop and is able to
finish well. He easily gets 4-6 points in the paint every game. When that
isn’t working, he’s solid behind the arc. When he doesn’t hesitate and
the offensive unit has a good rhythm to it, he’ll make the shot easily.
But, outside of layups and three-point shots, Lin has one more shot in his
arsenal. There are times when the defense rotates on dribble penetration and
forces Lin to back off. Sure, he’ll back off and use his pivot feet, but he
’ll gather himself up for a short 12′ fadeaway shot in the painted area.
接著我們來談談林書豪, 不可不談的是他的三分火力, 林書豪可以從籃框兩邊利用他的
速度攻擊籃框並且有效的取分, 每場他幾乎都能輕鬆的用這方是拿下4~6分, 當沒切入
機會時林書豪的三分火力也挺硬的. 只要林書豪能果斷不猶豫, 以及球隊攻擊步調對了
的時候, 林書豪拿分實在太容易了!
除了切入上籃以及三分火力之外, 林書豪還有著第三種能力: 當切入受阻迫使林書豪得
退後時, 他會停住後退, 然後後仰命中12英呎跳投
Those three shots are what Lin is most comfortable with. They are polished
within his shooting arsenal.
這三種是林書豪最順心順手的得分方式, 經年苦練的呀~
Lin has his best games at home. Up until the game against the Hornets, he
averaged 15.8 points per game. On the road, it’s a different story. He
averages a measley 6 points per game. He hears the noise. He feels the
momentum. He gets the rhythm. That rhythm, along with his basketball IQ and
speed on the basketball floor, can make for dynamic offensive play. It
worked perfectly against the Hornets to the tune of 21 points on 8 of 12 from
the field, 3 of 6 behind the arc, with 7 assists and 1 turnover.
目前林書豪在主場表現的較好, 客場..就是另一個故事了, 今天就很棒, 12投8中拿下
21分, 包含三分球6中3, 另有7助攻以及僅僅一次失誤
We just need consistency on the road. Once that happens, we’re looking at
the best offensive point guard on the Laker team since Nick Van Exel.
林書豪只需要在客場也能保持穩定性就很夠了, 如果他真能打的穩定, 他將會是湖人自
Nick Van Exel以來最好的攻擊型控衛!!
The last time I saw him yell like that after a made shot, it was during
上一次我見到林書豪這樣進球後大吼, 已經是尼克的林來瘋時期囉~
下面是今天林書豪的hihglight~ 請客官們泡杯茶好好欣賞囉~
作者: theskyofblue (天空藍)   2014-11-10 18:51:00

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