[考訊] 10/13 bc 北科 a類

作者: tianya3 (CAFE TRISTE)   2016-10-13 16:32:32
1)螞蟻相關 2)塑膠相關 3)音樂相關
section 1 shopping
section 2 program
section 3 討論一個presentation
section 4 frog
writing task 1:a table
Writing task 2: younger family members legally have to look after older people
physically, mentally or financially. To what extent you agree or disagree (有
省略很多單字 但大意是這樣)
5號房 和藹的伯伯 會互動
(以下不是考官的原句 但大意一樣)
Part 1
Are you a student or do you work?
Why did you choose this job?
Do you prefer working on your own or with other people
Are you usually in a noisy place?
I answered: I am seldom in a noisy situation
If you work in a noisy place, what would you feel?
[Sports activities ]
What sports did you play when you were a child?
What sports activities did you learn when you were a child?
Is it good for children to play sports activities?
Do you think it is good for children to have many parks in cities?
Part 2:Save money
Part 3
Did your friends know that you borrowed it?
1)Who, schools or parents..., has the role in teaching children the meaning o
f saving money
I answered: parents
2)Who, father or mother, is more good at teaching children about saving money
3)How important it is for children to learn to save money
作者: doglun (LunBro)   2016-10-13 17:19:00
作者: tianya3 (CAFE TRISTE)   2016-10-13 17:21:00
作者: doglun (LunBro)   2016-10-13 17:57:00
作者: ggrr5566 (兩津)   2016-10-13 18:12:00
我前一位考生也是運動口說題 我是朋友搬家題 台中菁英我也是先自介 然後噪音 part3延續上題朋友搬家討論因為我是學生 就繼續討論學校的教育與父母教育方式
作者: budinvv   2016-10-14 19:01:00

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