[情報] 奧地利Werner Puntigam自由即興三人行

作者: OscarJeff (藝術與城市)   2016-09-28 00:16:02
Werner Puntigam and His Triptychon #19
時間 Time/
2016/09/28(三) 19:30入場
地點 Venue/
江山藝改所 (新竹市江山街13號至15號間小巷內/城隍廟旁)
Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (In the alley between No.13 & No.15, Jiang Shan St., Hsin
chu City/near Cheng Huang Temple)
表演者 Performers/
Werner Puntigam (AT) / 長號、海螺、影像、聲景 Trombone, Conch Shell, Visuals &
董昭民 Chao-Ming Tung / 古箏 Guzheng
張登堯 Deng-Yao Chang / 二胡、嗩吶、人聲 Erhu, Suona & Voices
票價 Ticket/
$300-150(自由定價 Suggestion Donation)
關於節目 About The Program/
● 上半場 Set 1
Werner Puntigam's TRIPTYCHON #19
董昭民 Chao-Ming Tung (TW) 古箏 guzheng
張登堯 Deng-Yao Chang (TW) 二胡、嗩吶、人聲 erhu, suona & voices
Werner Puntigam (A) 影像、聲景 visuals & additional soundscapes
奧地利跨領域藝術家Werner Puntigam將三個不同藝術性表達的個別展演結合在同時進行的
The concept of space of the Austrian multidisciplinary artist WERNER PUNTIGAM (
www.ear-x-eye.info) unites three individual acts of differing artistic
directions in a simultaneous performance for the eye and the ear. Each
realization of the series is conceived exclusively to the specific location,
not just with regard to the architectural circumstances, but also by changing
the guest artists each time. For the 19th edition happening in Hsinchu/Taiwan
on September 28, 2016 he has the great pleasure to have the Taiwanese musicians
CHAO-MING TUNG and DENG-YAO CHANG, both playing traditional Chinese music
instruments, as guest performers.

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