Re: [閒聊] 獵人天生技

作者: FingerBender (Candle Crusher)   2014-12-08 22:29:56
Dear Blizzard:
I've played Hearthstone since BETA and I love this game very much,
but sadly, the more gaming experience, the less joy I have.
I think the main cause is Hunter, as known as Huntard recently.
Its hero skill, which deals two damage to the hero regardless of
any Taunt on the board is outrageous and unacceptable.
Playing against hunters, they're always on top of the game from
the beginning to the end. That's totally fine because deep inside,
we know that sooner or later we will prevail on the board ( Really? ),
but taking INEVITABLE damage when we are busy doing that is not
quiet pleasant, even upset. I'm OK with the efforts didn't pay off,
but the frequency of it is too high that I can't take it any longer.
I strongly recommend that the hunter's hero skill should be adjusted.
Regarding of WOW's hunter, steady shot is a way to boost the regain of focus.
Here's my thought,
Steady Shot : dealing one damage to the hero. When activating it twice,
the card you draw next turn spend one less mana. Hope you guys like it
and thanks for your reading.
作者: FingerBender (Candle Crusher)   2014-12-08 22:53:00
中華民國滅亡他們聽不懂吧XD 搞不好還搞混QQ感謝指正 立馬改那是筆誤啦XD 不小心多一個空格了...好窩 感謝指正恩恩 再去修改
作者: LoveAcoustic (Kellin)   2014-12-08 23:59:00
作者: FingerBender (Candle Crusher)   2014-12-09 00:01:00
修訂版改好囉 新增了給建議的理由明早11點準時寄出 有建議快提喔~~

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