[新聞] 退役軍人支持警察卻被極左份子槍殺

作者: satsuma0460 (JDIsuperior)   2020-10-13 16:19:03
Fox News
在丹佛槍擊案中被殺的受害者是一名退役軍人,為人祖父並且是個愛國者。 他在表達對
The man shot dead at a Denver protest was a military veteran, grandfather and
avowed patriot who was there to express his support for police and died as his
son looked on in horror, according to his mom.
Lee Keltner was identified by his mother, Carol, in a Facebook post to the gro
up Northeast Arkansas Tea Party Group. The heartbroken mom said her grandson w
as with his father when he was killed by a man working as a security guard for
a local TV station.
“My son Lee was at the patriot rally today in Denver,” she wrote to the grou
p. “After the rally a person on the BLM and Antifa side went up to him said a
few nasty words then shot him in the head. He was murdered because he backed
the police.”
“His 24-year-old son was with him. I moved to Arkansas because Colorado got t
oo expensive and liberal,” she added. “The left has gotten out of hand.”
According to a profile in the Denver Post, Keltner was a hatter at Crossfire H
atters, having worked for over 25 years.
Keltner was taking part in a pro-police “Patriot Rally” near the Denver Art
Museum when he was allegedly shot dead by Matthew Dolloff, a private security
guard hired by KUSA-TV – a local Denver news station also known as 9NEWS.
"There was a verbal altercation that transpired. A firearm was discharged," Jo
e Montoya, Denver Police chief of investigations, said. "An individual was sho
t and later pronounced deceased. There were two guns recovered at the scene."
Dolloff was taken into custody by the Denver Police Department on suspicion of
first-degree murder, though he has not been formally charged.
Dolloff was contracted through Pinkerton by 9NEWS – a practice the station ha
s followed for a number of months during the widespread protests.
Shortly after he was identified, past posts by Dolloff surfaced, showing that
he was more overtly left-leaning politically, with posts talking about how a T
rump Button was a “racist button” and calling the Trump administration a "fa
scist dictatorship."
The shooting occurred during dual protests – the “Patriot Muster” pro-polic
e groups and a “Black Lives Matter Anti-Fascist Soup Drive,” the latter of w
hich included Denver Communists, Colorado Socialist Revolution, Anon Resistanc
e Movement, W.I.T.C.H. Denver, H.O.E.S (Help on Every Street) and Front Range
Mutual Aid Network.
“We had a large contingent there to try to watch the egress of one group, so
that the other group wouldn’t intermingle with them, so that’s the reason fo
r the large presence there."
作者: kevinmeng2 (麻煩)   2020-10-13 16:20:00
作者: Robben (裸奔)   2020-10-13 16:20:00
作者: kevinmeng2 (麻煩)   2020-10-13 16:21:00
作者: weni302 (鏡花水月)   2020-10-13 16:22:00
作者: suaowilliam (蘇澳威廉)   2020-10-13 16:22:00
作者: kevinmeng2 (麻煩)   2020-10-13 16:24:00
作者: lovegensokyo (神戀幻想鄉)   2020-10-13 16:25:00
沒事 不報導就沒事囉
作者: a0986188522 (a0986188522)   2020-10-13 16:26:00
左膠聖母婊吵著要禁槍 結果現在自己拿著槍亂殺
作者: joe2 (狗翰)   2020-10-13 16:27:00
作者: suaowilliam (蘇澳威廉)   2020-10-13 16:28:00
禁槍就是要剝奪羊群的反抗能力啊!禁槍配套就是要提高見警率作配套,結果左膠還推defunct police
作者: eddy12357 (撾撾)   2020-10-13 16:33:00
這些人真噁心 跟紅衛兵有什麼差?
作者: swatseal (babuya)   2020-10-13 16:36:00
削減警力加上禁槍 那些有黑槍的尼哥毒販欺壓良民才能更爽阿
作者: slive   2020-10-13 16:41:00
作者: boogieman (Let the Right One In)   2020-10-13 16:43:00
作者: crazypeo45 (死刑)   2020-10-13 16:44:00
Antifa做事不敢當也不是第一次了 那個拿大鎖的攻擊者甚至不用坐牢
作者: chiangdapang (蔣大胖)   2020-10-13 16:50:00
作者: hank7218 (迷途小書僮)   2020-10-13 16:52:00
作者: antiyahoo (漫漫長路萬寶路)   2020-10-13 17:10:00
作者: Isoroku5566 (舔共賣國參捌壹)   2020-10-13 17:21:00
柯粉也是這樣在台灣顛覆政府 柯怕!!
作者: gg0079 (edr)   2020-10-13 17:22:00
不好意思打個岔 那個網址能縮一下嗎?
作者: serval623 (洛杉磯強姦人)   2020-10-13 17:27:00
這就是柯學 支持柯蟑的未來
作者: chu90016 (府城浪子)   2020-10-13 17:43:00
CNN:peaceful protesters!
作者: jerrylin (嘴砲無視)   2020-10-13 17:44:00
BLM 和平 友善 包容
作者: amos30627 (Destiny)   2020-10-13 18:13:00
antifa已經被認定恐怖組織了 不抓嗎
作者: FoRTuNaTeR   2020-10-13 18:23:00
和平 奮鬥 救臺灣
作者: cheetahspeed (respectmustbetaught)   2020-10-13 18:39:00
作者: aeoleron (拿出骨氣來w)   2020-10-13 18:59:00
感覺BLM真的不懂正當防禦 每次看BLM開槍殺人都是莫名其妙就殺人 還自稱是自我防衛
作者: dog990999 (姆咪心動動)   2020-10-13 19:05:00
不報導就沒事 繼續黑川
作者: py602270421 (Patty)   2020-10-13 19:41:00

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