[理工] NP-Complete NPC (更新題目)

作者: OforU (待)   2018-12-24 21:48:21
Given an integer k,
a universe U and a family S = {S1, S2, . . . , Sm}
whose union equals U, where each Si is a subset of U,
find out whether there is a sub-family C ⊆ S of at most size k
whose union is the universe U.
作者: eggy1018 (羅密歐與豬過夜)   2018-12-24 22:06:00
HP reduce 到 HC加一點p使得p->u,v->p各連到p,形成一instance G’,若能在此G’中找到HC,因為v->p & p->u連,所以若G’中有HC,則原圖G中一定有由u開始v結束的HP以上有錯還請告知第一句改成*加一點p使得p->u,v->p,沒有各連到p我覺得是sunset-sum,可以reduce到3-CNF
作者: FRAXIS (喔喔)   2018-12-25 06:23:00
用 Vertex cover reduce 到這問題
作者: a66862439 (柳橙)   2018-12-25 14:16:00
用subset sum 相對於size去做subset sum為k的問題 不知道這樣可不可解

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