[新聞] 美國有一項作為可以使中共感到恐懼

作者: cutiehoneyzu (McHilo)   2023-04-10 17:58:57
US could tap China's 'greatest fear' with one move, expert says
Fox News 福斯新聞
記者:Kristen Altus
As China vows to take "resolute and forceful" measures against Taiwan after its president’s meeting with U.S. lawmakers, one foreign policy expert signaled the Chinese Communist Party’s strong words could be knocked down like a facade with one swift move from American defenses.
“[China’s] greatest fear is that we will go ahead and announce that Taiwan is not a part of China. We’ve come close to that over the last 50 years, Japan gave it up in the San Francisco Peace Treaty of 1951, but no one’s ever been assigned Taiwan,” Hudson Institute Director of the Center on Chinese Strategy Michael Pillsbury said Friday on “Varney & Co.”
“[中國]最大的恐懼就是美國宣布台灣不是中國的一部分。 在過去的 50 年裡,我們的作為已經非常接近這一點,日本在 1951 年的舊金山和平條約中放棄了它,但其實台灣並沒有明定交由誰接管,”哈德遜研究所中國戰略中心主任邁克爾白邦瑞週五在Varney&Co演講說。
On Thursday, Beijing’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed it would take action to “defend [its] sovereignty and territorial integrity,” urging that the U.S. “not go further down the wrong and dangerous path.”
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., was joined by a bipartisan group to meet with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen earlier this week, reportedly discussing America’s “unwavering support” for Taiwan amid rising, hostile political and military tensions with China, the speaker had said in a press conference.
眾議院議長凱文·麥卡錫 本週與兩黨眾議員代表會見了台灣總統蔡英文,據報導,會中談到美國會堅定支持台灣面對中國威脅。
While talks about Taiwan-China relations are taking place at home, a separate group of bipartisan lawmakers, led by Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, is on a three-day trip to Taipei where they’re expecting to discuss delayed weapon delivery.
雖然國內正在討論兩岸緊張關係,但由德州共和黨眾議員麥克考(McCaul)領導的另一組兩黨議員正在台北進行為期三天的訪問,他們希望討論延遲武器交付給台灣的問題 .
"That's the real issue — if there is an attack and use of force, Taiwan says it will announce 'we're independent,' and provoke an even greater conflict," Pillsbury said. "So this is a dangerous game that the Biden administration is playing, by not forwarding these weapons to Taiwan, that Taiwan has paid for."
這才是真正的問題——如果中國開始攻擊台灣,台灣可能將宣布獨立’,並挑起更大的衝突,”白邦瑞說。 “因此,這是拜登政府正在玩的一場危險遊戲,拜登拖延運送這些武器給台灣,而台灣為此付出了代價。”
"The delegation in Taiwan right now from Congress, bipartisan delegation, they're making this point: Where are these $19 billion worth of weapons, once paid for, but never been delivered? Part of it may be the drawdown because of Ukraine," the expert continued.
“現在來自美國國會的台灣代表團,他們正在表達這一點:這些價值 190 億美元的武器在哪裡,台灣已付款,但從未交付過?部分原因可能是因為烏克蘭而延遲交付,” 專家繼續說道。
China recognizes that no country has a declared military alliance with Taiwan and feels the U.S. is distracted by the war in Ukraine, Pillsbury argued while noting White House officials have been "quite vague" about the support American forces are willing to give.
"It looks like the Chinese believe that the Americans are too tied down, too bogged down with the Ukrainian effort, and therefore they might not come to the aid of Taiwan in the event of a limited attack," the Hudson Institute director said. "They see Taiwan more as a duck that's waiting to be attacked, not a really strong power and certainly not yet a porcupine."
哈德遜研究所所長說:“中國人認為美國人被烏克蘭的戰事束縛太緊,太深陷其中,因此美軍可能不會在有限的攻擊事件中幫助台灣。” “他們更多地把台灣看作是一隻被攻擊的鴨子,而不是擁有強大的力量,當然也不是一隻豪豬。”
The Biden administration is "playing with fire" while China has a "wide range of options" for retaliation, the policy expert warned, while urging caution when within the CCP’s territory.
"This is Chinese territorial waters, so they have the right to stop and search any ship that goes there. They claim that our aircraft carriers when they pass through need permission from China. We don't ask for permission," Pillsbury said. "So there's a very wide range of options China can choose from. On the American side, our range of options is very limited, very narrow, given our past policy."
“這是中國領海,所以他們有權攔截和搜查任何去那裡的船隻。他們聲稱美國航母通過需要得到中國許可。我們不要求許可,”白邦瑞說。 “中國可以選擇的選擇範圍非常廣泛。在美國方面,考慮到我們過去的政策,我們的選擇範圍非常有限

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