Fw: [新聞] NASA發佈韋伯望遠鏡的第一張全彩照片

作者: EmperorOslo (OSLO)   2022-07-12 07:42:42
※ [本文轉錄自 sky 看板 #1YpB8ZDf ]
作者: EmperorOslo (OSLO) 看板: sky
標題: [新聞] NASA剛剛發佈了韋伯望遠鏡的第一張全彩
時間: Tue Jul 12 07:28:32 2022
On Monday, July 11, President Joe Biden released one of the James Webb Space Tel
escope’s first images in a preview event at the White House in Washington. NASA
, in partnership with ESA (European Space Agency) and CSA (Canadian Space Agency
), will release the full set of Webb’s first full-color images and spectroscopi
c data during a televised broadcast beginning at 10:30 a.m. EDT (14:30 UTC) on T
uesday, July 12, from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland
This first image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope is the deepest and shar
pest infrared image of the distant universe to date. Known as Webb’s First Deep
Field, this image of galaxy cluster SMACS 0723 is overflowing with detail. Thou
sands of galaxies – including the faintest objects ever observed in the infrare
d – have appeared in Webb’s view for the first time. This slice of the vast un
iverse covers a patch of sky approximately the size of a grain of sand held at a
rm’s length by someone on the ground.
7 月 11 日星期一,喬·拜登總統在華盛頓白宮的預覽活動中發布了詹姆斯·韋伯太空望遠
鏡的第一批圖像之一。 NASA 與 ESA(歐洲航天局)和 CSA(加拿大航天局)合作,將在
美國東部時間上午 10:30(世界標準時間 14:30)開始的電視廣播中發布韋伯的全套全彩圖
像和光譜數據 ) 7 月 12 日星期二,在馬里蘭州格林貝爾特的美國宇航局戈達德太空飛行
NASA 詹姆斯韋伯太空望遠鏡拍攝的第一張圖像是迄今為止遙遠宇宙最深、最清晰的紅外圖
像。 這張被稱為韋伯第一深場的星系團 SMACS 0723 的圖像充滿了細節。 數千個星系——
包括在紅外線中觀察到的最微弱的物體——首次出現在韋伯的視野中。 這片廣闊的宇宙覆

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