Re: [新聞] 國務院:美國公民立即離開俄國

作者: RichWomen ( 瘋狂愛 )   2022-02-28 09:30:52
普丁就是 隋煬帝2.0
當初隋煬帝是千古一帝 隋朝盛事開創者
結果遠征烏桓3次失敗 最後被屬下殺死
現在普丁就落入同樣陷阱 大軍跟國庫被烏克蘭戰爭掏空
大軍壓陣燒錢擾民 目的是要逼對手投降 最怕被斷糧
反觀歐美斷絕俄羅斯金援補給 現在只要把俄羅斯跟烏克蘭道路切斷 設埋伏
這樣俄羅斯大軍就被困在烏克蘭 普丁就輸定了
※ 引述《JingPingKing (金平王)》之銘言:
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: U.S. urges its citizens to consider leaving Russia immediately
: 美國呼籲公民立即離開俄國
: 4.完整新聞內文:
: WASHINGTON, Feb 27 (Reuters) - U.S. citizens should consider leaving Russia immediately on commercial flights, the State Department said on Sunday, citing an increasing number of airlines canceling flights and countries closing their airspace to Russia after its invasion of Ukraine.
: "U.S. citizens should consider departing Russia immediately via commercial options still available," said a security alert dated Feb. 27 on the web site of U.S. embassy in Moscow.
: It has asked U.S. citizens to have "a contingency plan that does not rely on U.S. government assistance."
: 美駐俄使館公告美國公民應在政府協助撤僑前立即離開俄國
: Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the biggest assault on a European state since World War Two, has unleashed a barrage of Western reprisals, with U.S. and European governments imposing sanctions on Russian banks and financial institutions.
: Russian President Vladimir Putin has called the attack a "special operation" through which he aims to demilitarise Moscow's southern neighbor.
: The State Department has kept its travel advisory for Russia at "Level 4: Do Not Travel". On Feb. 20, the U.S. embassy in Moscow had advised Americans in the country to have an evacuation plan, citing the threat of attacks in Moscow and along the Russian border with Ukraine.
: 目前俄羅斯為旅遊警示4級不可前往,在俄的美國公民應備好撤離計畫
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