Re: [爆卦] 伊斯蘭協會針對塔綠班事件回應

作者: AE86 (藤原豆腐)   2021-08-28 01:15:18
"你們吵你們的 別扯上我"
※ 引述《fttgfd (fttgfd)》之銘言:
: 簡單來說,昨天的塔綠班事件使台灣伊斯蘭協會出來回應(但台灣伊斯蘭事務是中國回教協會處理) ,以下是他們的全文:
: 網址:
: 本會今日(2021年8月27日)得熱心民眾來信告知,近日國內批踢踢實業坊又充斥「嘲諷穆斯林的一些言論,覺得對於其他宗教的玩笑太超過很惡劣,希望協會這邊可以協助以正視聽。」
: We have received e-mail today (Aug. 27, 2021) from a warm-hearted person who informed us of the “discussions humiliating and mocking Muslims on Ptt, which is mean and evil making fun of others’ religion. Hopefully, IAT shall do something.”
: 據批踢踢實業坊入口公告:「批踢踢Ptt)O以學術性質為目的,提供各專業學生實習的平台」,此言顯然與事實不符。
: According to the official statement on Ptt Website, “Ptt serves the purpose of academy, providing professional students with the platform of internship,” it obviously does not comply with the reality.
: 阿富汗政局為全球提供新鮮刺激的話題,穆斯林再度成為眾矢之的。
: The political situation of Afghan has provided the world with fresh and exciting topics. Muslims have again become the target of everyone.
: 伊斯蘭原意是對阿拉的指示拳拳服膺、對既定的事實坦然接受,伊斯蘭有獨立的律法,以《古蘭經》為準則、《聖訓》為補充,實踐者就是穆斯林。伊斯蘭不會改變,但少數人曲解伊斯蘭後還自詡為穆斯林,成為世界公敵,他們被嘲笑與攻擊是自然的結果。
: Islam means total obedience of Allah’s orders and whole-hearted acceptance of things happened. Islam has its independent Law, regulated byurannd supplemented byadith. Those who practice it are Muslims. Islam shall never change. Few people distort Islam and claim themselves Muslims, making themselves the enemies of the world. It is only natural that they are mocked and attacked.
: 至於被牽連的無辜穆斯林,一方面,我們的冤屈不是枉然,必有正義降臨,不是今生就是後世;另一方面,我們要自立自強,唯有穆斯林停止互相攻訐而如實地實踐伊斯蘭,才能翻轉如今全球穆斯林的頹勢。

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