Re: [爆卦] 獨派拍槍擊柯文哲牌影片

作者: cranfis (Ray)   2018-10-11 16:13:58
這個影片宣稱是在 LA,也就是在加州拍的。
剛好都違反了加州今年剛開始實施的 assault weapon ban。
pistol grip, grenade launcher 這些配件在加州基本上都是受管制的違禁品,
拿著這些東西搭配威嚇性質的言語又 po 在 YouTube 上面,
如果這些槍支沒有註冊,那影片裡面的人大概可以準備當安佐第二惹 ya
直接到 LAPD 和加州的 Bureau of Firearms 網站寄信留言,
不知道美國警察是否閒 lol
Bureau of Firearms 需要留 mail and phone number。
Bureau of Firearms - Contact Us:
網頁下方可以留 email contact 直接留言。
或者 LAPD 匿名舉報。
LAPD report a crime:
進入以後點選內文中段的藍色 ANONYMOUS WEB TIPS,
Description 貼上留言,然後下面的 Offensive Type 可以選個 Weapon Violation。
To whom it may concern,
I want to report an incident that people are spreading threatening contents
on social media with assault weapons, which has raised great public concerns
in Taiwan and potentially provided evidence on California gun law violations.
This video was posted on YouTube by LATWTVTaiwan channel on 10/8
( In this video the filmmakers
claimed that they were shooting in the desert near LA, destroying a medal
resembling the current mayor of Taipei City with a tone of threatening, as
well as spreading agitation to the society after the video has been posted on
YouTube and other social media in Taiwan. The firearms displayed in this
video, including AR-15 with grenade launcher and pistol grip, may have
clearly violated the assault weapon ban in California state.
一般玩槍的人都很 nice 的,不會像這種吸獨吸到腦袋怪怪的人這麼中二。
※ 引述《shrines (中國志漲/志漲中國)》之銘言:
: 因為打不到柯文哲本人,
: 結果拿柯文哲的牌來打,
: (其中一把應該是AK47)
: 獨派越來越瘋,
: 建議柯文哲以後都不要坐公車好了。

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