[新聞] 不列顛大選,蘇格蘭政治板塊地震大變動

作者: lorenzero (羅亮佐)   2015-05-08 17:02:08
※ 華盛頓郵報[m
※ British election results produce seismic political shift in Scotland
※ LONDON — The 2015 British election will be remembered for much more than
which party ran first in the overall voting. It will be known at least as
much as the election that produced a seismic political shift in Scotland that
changed the face of British politics.
Just eight months after - losing a referendum to declare Scotland’s
independence from the United Kingdom, the Scottish National Party (SNP) was
poised Thursday night to sweep the bulk of the region’s 59 parliamentary
A BBC exit poll released shortly after polling places closed projected that
the party could end up with all but one of those seats. SNP leader - Nicola
Sturgeon reacted cautiously, tweeting: “I’m hoping for a good night but I
think 58 seats is unlikely.” In the end, the SNP ended up with 56.
The SNP’s surge in the wake of its September defeat has been the biggest
surprise of this spring’s election, a development that has rocked the Labor
Party in what long has been a traditional stronghold.
So powerful was the SNP tide that among those swept away was Douglas
Alexander, - Labor’s shadow foreign secretary and campaign chief, who lost
his seat to a 20-year-old student. Conceding defeat, Alexander said it is now
Labor’s “responsibility to re-win the trust” that had obviously been lost.
Later, Jim Murphy, the leader of the Labor Party in Scotland, also lost his
seat to the SNP. And an incredible 35-point swing toward the SNP cost Labor
the seat long held by former prime minister Gordon Brown, who had decided to
Britain’s unpredictable election
View Photos Voters will decide if Conservative incumbent David Cameron or
Labor challenger Ed Miliband will be prime minister.
A confluence of events brought Scotland and the Labor Party to this moment,
some reflecting long-standing problems within the party and others triggered
by reaction in Scotland to the referendum campaign. Rather than contracting
after losing the independence vote, the SNP was revitalized, with a sharply
increased membership and an enthusiasm unmatched by the Labor Party.
During the independence referendum campaign, Labor made what appears to have
been a costly decision to join the Conservatives and others in a cross-party
effort to preserve the United Kingdom and defeat the movement to break away.
To voters who want a Labor Party devoted to Scotland, the decision looked
like a betrayal — a party in league with London that was no longer
authentically Scottish.
“There was a feeling [in Scotland] of ‘they sold us out,’ ” said Peter
Riddell, director of the - London-based - Institute for - Government.
The second factor was the - neglect of the Labor Party in Scotland by its
national leaders, a - disregard that has long stirred resentment. For years,
talented Labor leaders from Scotland headed to London and the national
government. The national party was looking to Scotland principally as a
source of seats to buoy its strength in Parliament, rather than acting as an
advocate for Scotland, analysts here said.
Meanwhile, the party in Scotland was atrophying, with membership declining
sharply and its local organizations weakened by complacency. By this spring,
it was clear that Labor in Scotland was a hollowed-out - party with little
muscle to wage an effective campaign. But that hollowing was two decades in
the making.
“We had a false result in 2010 where people voted for [former prime
minister] Gordon Brown because he was a Scot,” said Paul Sinclair, a former
Labor adviser. “While the SNP consistently modernized and became a very
modern professional outfit, the Labor Party just withered on the vine.”
The third factor has been the performance of SNP leader Sturgeon, who emerged
as the undisputed star of the campaign this spring as she traveled around
Scotland in a helicopter adorned with her photograph. She delivered strong
performances in televised debates and forums. She also lacks the hard edges
of former leader Alex Salmond, who was either loved or loathed.
How Britain's election could turn out(1:13)
Britain's 2015 election is one of the tightest in decades and could lead to
potential government gridlock. The Post's Adam Taylor explains the possible
outcomes, depending on which parties win the most seats in parliament. (Alice
Li/The Washington Post)
Sturgeon vowed to push Labor Party leader Ed Miliband to the left on issues
such as spending on the - National Health Service and the future of the
Trident nuclear program. Miliband insisted that he would not make a deal with
the SNP, though he never ruled out using its votes to secure power. All that
was put into question as the polls closed Thursday night.
Now the issue is how the SNP would operate as the third-largest party in
Parliament in a government led by the Tories, given sharply different views
on Scottish independence and Britain’s membership in the European Union.
What the SNP’s strength means for the future of the independence movement is
another question. John Curtice, a professor of politics at the University of
Strathclyde, observed on his blog Thursday that SNP success in the election
does not constitute a significant rise in support for independence among the
voters. On that issue, he said, opinions have not changed much since last
“If the SNP do well in the election,” he wrote, “it will tell us as much
about the workings of the first-past-the-post electoral system as it does
about the balance of public opinion on the independence debate.”
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
※ http://4fun.tw/tiQ3
※ 蘇格蘭共59選區,民調預測58,實際開票56。反對蘇獨的工黨更是由2010
作者: loa123 (撕裂地中海)   2014-05-08 17:02:00
...原來如此 馬終於和小刀分手了
作者: OoJudyoO (安康魚)   2015-05-08 17:03:00
蘇格蘭民族黨的女黨魁 好像很厲害
作者: OuterLander (男爵大大)   2015-05-08 17:03:00
頭香 這個該推
作者: blakespring ( ‵▽′)╮☆(__ __||)   2015-05-08 17:04:00
作者: fallheart (快丟我水球阿)   2015-05-08 17:04:00
作者: atypia (atypia)   2015-05-08 17:06:00
作者: LauraRoslin (Am I A Cylon?)   2015-05-08 17:07:00
作者: be821121 (海尼根)   2015-05-08 17:08:00
作者: sdiaa (桂綸鎂)   2015-05-08 17:08:00
在蘇格蘭玩成這樣 還會有下次的獨立公投嗎
作者: pathfinder (just enjoy the show)   2015-05-08 17:08:00
工黨跟KMT差那麼多 不要拿KMT汙辱工黨啦
作者: OuterLander (男爵大大)   2015-05-08 17:09:00
seismic political shift 意義大概就是地震等級的
作者: jaotake (水素燃料電池宅)   2015-05-08 17:09:00
人民支持獨立 所以反對獨立的政黨自然席位大幅下降
作者: a5648183 (KL YEH)   2015-05-08 17:11:00
作者: OoJudyoO (安康魚)   2015-05-08 17:11:00
作者: yarnball (毛線球)   2015-05-08 17:11:00
搞笑嗎 保守黨在英國才是代表的舊時代...只說蘇格蘭舊時代思維退場 不講整個英國保守黨大勝...
作者: tommy421 (tommy421)   2015-05-08 17:13:00
太棒了 希望可以去蘇格蘭當有GUTS的公民
作者: robinyu85 (台灣萬歲)   2015-05-08 17:13:00
作者: wensday (Eyes On Me)   2015-05-08 17:15:00
作者: Cassander (Cassander)   2015-05-08 17:15:00
作者: wensday (Eyes On Me)   2015-05-08 17:16:00
SNP 最反這次大勝的保守黨好嗎
作者: Cassander (Cassander)   2015-05-08 17:18:00
作者: w3160828 (kk)   2015-05-08 17:19:00
工黨佔蘇格蘭的席次 卻不幫蘇格蘭爭取福利 被幹翻剛剛好
作者: wensday (Eyes On Me)   2015-05-08 17:21:00
作者: luuva (驢猫)   2015-05-08 17:26:00
作者: Cassander (Cassander)   2015-05-08 17:26:00
作者: w3160828 (kk)   2015-05-08 17:29:00
以前以為保守黨=國民黨 工黨=民進黨...
作者: cxcxvv (delta)   2015-05-08 17:29:00
作者: w3160828 (kk)   2015-05-08 17:30:00
作者: abc06 (阿咧)   2015-05-08 17:30:00
表示說 因為現實反對獨立 但支持蘇格蘭有自己的聲音
作者: likeaprayer (Dreamlover)   2015-05-08 17:31:00
在野勢力洗牌 保守黨維持執政黨地位
作者: gamiiko (gwang)   2015-05-08 17:31:00
作者: abc06 (阿咧)   2015-05-08 17:32:00
工黨失去大票倉 這個缺口要填很久
作者: lorenzero (羅亮佐)   2015-05-08 17:33:00
政黨不能直接類比啦 別人的政黨光譜完整度高太多
作者: likeaprayer (Dreamlover)   2015-05-08 17:33:00
工黨離執政變更遠了 但整體反蘇獨勢力還是非常強勢
作者: grandwar   2015-05-08 17:34:00
作者: OuterLander (男爵大大)   2015-05-08 17:34:00
可以確定的是KMT完全是LJ比起工黨或保守黨完全只有保守退步 沒得比另外,台灣的大黨絕對離獨派很遠 主張都不明確政策相關性也低故不可能相比
作者: windbomb (阿比加加)   2015-05-08 17:53:00
作者: jonathan836 (魏奇˙安提利斯)   2015-05-08 18:06:00

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