[爆卦] 匈牙利上萬鄉民上街頭抗議網路稅

作者: aerymani (伽利略與坂本龍馬)   2014-10-29 23:24:58
http://ppt.cc/L09m 英國衛報的報導 點開有上萬鄉民示威圖
http://ppt.cc/kdk- 補張示威圖
http://ppt.cc/qGoZ 總是不缺席的V怪客
Tens of thousands of protesters have marched against a plan by the Hungarian
government to tax internet use from 2015.
The rally, the second in three days over the scheme, is also seen as a sign
of growing discontent among mostly younger Hungarians over the prime
minister, Viktor Orbán’s policies that critics say are centralising power
and increasing the role of the state, to the detriment of private enterprise.
In April, Orbán’s governing party, Fidesz, won its second consecutive
two-thirds majority and he began his third four-year term as prime minister.
Since 2010 the EU has expressed concerns over what it sees as Hungary’s
failure to respect European democratic standards, while Washington and others
have criticised new laws regulating everything from the media to churches.
The Orbán government has also been reproached for intimidating independent
civic groups, including corruption watchdogs and minority advocates, and for
its efforts to deepen ties with Russia.
On Tuesday night, protesters outside the economy ministry in Budapest called
on Orbán to withdraw the plan to force internet service providers to pay 700
forints (£1.80) per individual subscriber a month and 5,000 forints per
business subscriber. There are concerns that the tax will not be absorbed by
the internet providers, as the government claims.
禮拜二晚上開始鄉民開始包圍布達佩斯經濟部 要政府收回方案
“The ideal amount of the internet tax is not 700 or 5,000 forints but
exactly zero,” web entrepreneur Zsolt Varady told the rally, which was
estimated by local media to have been attended by between 35,000 and 40,000
網路創業企業鄉民代表說重點不在七百或五千福林 而是應該是零
Initially, the tax was set to be 150 forints per gigabyte of internet
traffic, but Fidesz said it would set a cap on the levy.
Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán
The EU and others have accused the government of Viktor Orbán of failing to
respect European democratic standards. Photograph: Laszlo Baloch/Reuters
The government, which announced the proposal last week before any
consultations with industry groups or even Fidesz MPs, gave several
explanations for the measure: it was meant to complement a tax on phone
calls, as people were increasingly using the internet to make calls; it would
take a slice from telecoms firms’ allegedly large profits; and the new
revenues would help to improve internet access in rural areas.
Ryan Heath, a spokesman for the EU’s digital commissioner, Neelie Kroes,
said the internet tax was “bad in principle” and could hinder economic
“Hungary is below the EU average in virtually every single digital indicator
and the digital part of the economy is probably the main thing keeping Europe
out of recession right now. So taxing that ... is a particularly bad idea,”
he told reporters in Brussels.
而數位創新大概是歐盟要擺脫經濟衰退的最主要方式 你匈牙利政府還來個網路稅.....
The European commission also fears the plan would be copied by others.
“If Hungary becomes a precedent in this instance, it can become a problem in
a lot of other member states and can be a problem for Europe’s wider
economic growth,” Heath said.
Protesters vowed to continue the rallies – which have also been held in
several other cities in Hungary and at some Hungarian embassies in EU
countries – until the government withdraws the tax plan.
而匈牙利國內也有好幾個城市爆發示威 數國的匈牙利大使館也被抗議
※註:有電視或媒體有報導者,請勿使用爆卦! 違者視為新聞篇數 超貼新聞劣退
作者: YesGG (↖㊣把刀王㊣↘)   2014-10-29 23:25:00
作者: purpose (秀才遇到肥宅兵)   2014-10-29 23:25:00
作者: AirWinters (汪汪魚)   2014-10-29 23:25:00
作者: YishengSu (快樂的多多)   2014-10-29 23:26:00
作者: watashiD (watashiD)   2014-10-29 23:26:00
作者: HAHAcomet (值得信任的彗星小天使)   2014-10-29 23:28:00
民主倒退、控制媒體、恐嚇公民團體..... 好熟的畫面
作者: jimmy5680 (不太會飛的企鵝)   2014-10-29 23:28:00
作者: tchialen (艾媽 挖愛哩)   2014-10-29 23:28:00
馬宗痛應該反其道而行 讓宅宅沉浸網路就不會造反
作者: lereage (小可可)   2014-10-29 23:28:00
德國也有電視網路稅這鬼東西阿 貴死了 一個月18歐
作者: l26921216 (很悠閒的生活~~)   2014-10-29 23:28:00
作者: johnny3 (キラ☆)   2014-10-29 23:29:00
算流量太坑了 加在月費好點 可是還是沒有最好
作者: shcjosh (來吧!都來吧!)   2014-10-29 23:29:00
宅男稅XDDD以前在澳洲的時候 他們網路沒有吃到飽 是流量的...
作者: huang19898 (huang19898)   2014-10-29 23:30:00
1G 19台幣....超貴的
作者: hibbb (阿宅一生)   2014-10-29 23:31:00
1G收19台幣 那抓A片會很痛苦XD
作者: iamino2 (水果聖代)   2014-10-30 00:06:00

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