[情報] 09/25 the daily horoscope

作者: Nicolas01 (Nicolas)   2016-09-24 19:23:37
Gemini horoscope for Sep 25 2016
Gemini horoscope for Sep 25 2016
When you look up at the sky you can't see all of it. When you wish upon a star
you have a vast number to choose from for your wish, but it is still a limite
d selection. We can't always see beyond our own experience. You may now be ass
uming you understand someone you think you know quite well, but a recent decis
ion or action by this person may have left you perplexed. There is so much mor
e to learn about this individual, and if you give it a chance the exploration
could be enlightening and wonderful Gemini.
作者: energyisme26 (倩倩兒)   2016-09-24 21:09:00
作者: jaren (回憶的擁抱)   2016-09-24 23:06:00
作者: robefrom (SABRE)   2016-09-25 01:35:00
作者: waitriver (microcosm)   2016-09-25 03:13:00
作者: KnightZX (佇足在風中的剛正不阿)   2016-09-25 07:24:00
作者: maywr5297 (站在我的角度看你的世界)   2016-09-25 07:58:00
目前沒機會 像遠在天上的星星啊 囧

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