[情報] 本屆美網簽名王

作者: Rfed (Rè²»)   2014-09-03 16:52:24
根據 ATP記者統計觀察,
三場比賽下來一共花了 15:33給場邊球迷簽名,平均一人用 3.6秒的時間
(換句話說約簽了 260人次)
這統計不包括練習時 Rogi通常都花十分鐘左右幫場邊觀看的球迷簽名。
Player Total Time Signing Avg. Time Per Autograph
Roger Federer 15:33 3.6 seconds
Novak Djokovic 12:27 2.6 seconds
Milos Raonic 7:42 2.6 seconds
Andy Murray 4:15 2.5 seconds
簽名最快的是 John Isner, 平均一人只要 1.8秒。
If you’re a fan at the US Open, whose autograph have you got the best chance
of securing for a priceless souvenir? Jim Chairusmi of the Wall Street
Journal has been doing his homework and uncovered that one of the greatest
players of all time, Roger Federer, is also one of the best at signing for
Watching close to 60 matches through the third round at Flushing Meadows,
Chairusmi observed Federer spending a total of 15:33 minutes signing
autographs post match, including more than eight minutes signing after
beating Marcel Granollers in the third round, but not factoring in the nine
minutes the Swiss spent signing after a practice session Monday.
World No. 1 Novak Djokovic came in behind Federer as 12:27 minutes total time
signing post match, but the Serb actually signed more autographs than Federer
(292 to 258) with a faster signature (2.6 seconds per autograph compared to
3.6 seconds for Federer).
American No. 1 John Isner, it transpires, is the fastest at signing his name,
taking on average 1.8 seconds per autograph.
作者: seha87 (費爸.莎娃)   2014-09-03 17:10:00
作者: allyp7985 (Boyke)   2014-09-03 17:30:00
推 Rogi真的人好好~
作者: megar (倫敦鐵橋垮下來)   2014-09-03 17:34:00
這也能統計 太妙了 XD
作者: slowpoem (slowpoem)   2014-09-03 17:37:00
作者: IlovePete (我愛山普拉斯)   2014-09-03 17:46:00
居然有這種統計 XD
作者: sleeeve (赴美留學的日子...)   2014-09-03 19:42:00
Raonic在美國人氣這麼高喔@@1.8秒XD 該不會簽名是: J 這樣而已吧
作者: sixsix666 (Blind)   2014-09-03 19:45:00
作者: dreamervul21 (夜熊熊)   2014-09-03 19:50:00
當Rogi球迷真幸福 <3
作者: hiraymond (騎著狼的羊)   2014-09-03 20:21:00
Isner簽 "I" 就好吧XD 不用1秒
作者: teriyahui (沒有煩惱沒有那悲傷)   2014-09-03 20:27:00
作者: SeTeVen   2014-09-03 20:59:00
作者: yun0215 (阿酥)   2014-09-03 21:08:00
作者: deehsu (加州‧陽光)   2014-09-03 22:19:00
http://i57.tinypic.com/11tbc7s.jpg 難怪最後有這段.XD
作者: chicknbean   2014-09-04 01:40:00
費爸昨晚真的簽超久,連球迷丟下來的帽子阿什麼的都撿起來簽 根本人超好!
作者: gwotie (第一台車!)   2014-09-04 12:37:00
作者: chia0908 (Roger好可愛)   2014-09-04 21:06:00
作者: DflowerT (鮮花)   2014-09-04 21:37:00
作者: orchidd (orchidd)   2014-09-04 22:00:00
作者: mack860120 (大腰果™)   2014-09-05 00:14:00
作者: cuiudshaos (cuiudshaos)   2014-09-05 10:23:00
作者: lhwet (Yui)   2014-09-05 11:54:00
Roger真的簽很久,人非常好!! 是我看到簽最久的人
作者: damask (總是想太多。)   2014-09-05 21:04:00
推文裡好多人去現場阿 已羨慕!!

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