[請益] 這個句子太複雜太長,能幫我簡化嗎

作者: SophyEye (Sophie)   2016-10-05 10:04:16
While many parents restrict their children’s freedom to
play in local parks considering the rising crime rates and
nearly all households have at least one television set, TV
viewing has occupied countless hours of their leisure time.
作者: havohej (havohej)   2016-10-05 16:23:00
It is more dangerous to play outside because the cr-ime rate raises. Therefore, parents would like thierchildren to stay home and watch TV.不保證對
作者: kaifrankwind (大師兄)   2016-10-05 18:46:00
樓上只改寫了一部份意思Since the crime rates are rising and nearly allhouseholds have >=1 television set, many parentsrestrict their children's freedom to play inlocal parks. However, TV viewing has occupied(too) much of their leisure time.
作者: veramagic (雯)   2016-10-05 21:09:00
作者: kaifrankwind (大師兄)   2016-10-05 21:16:00
原句While是"儘管"的反差之意 反差的地方是家長原意是為保護兒童 但導致電視佔據他們太多時間 可能也不是家長樂見的
作者: wohtp (會喵喵叫的大叔)   2016-10-05 23:22:00
While要這麼解的話,後面不該就接著說「家家有電視」電視可不是為了小孩好才變普及的。要嘛原文作者誤用while,要嘛他就該把電視的普及程度拉出去獨立出來不要and在一起還有我覺得local parks這麼專一的說法很有語病。那是不是外面巷子可以?如果他家住什麼大學附近,大學校園可以嗎?只是不准去「公園」玩?Nearly every household owns at least one TV set.While parents increasingly keeps their cchildren indoorin view of the rising crime rate, TV viewinginevitably occupies much of the children's leisure time我把句子的理路改了一下。如今家家有電視。父母為了治安不好把小孩留在屋裡,於是小孩就沒事看電視啦。
作者: kaifrankwind (大師兄)   2016-10-06 00:08:00
家家有電視放那裏講是不好 挑local parks的語病我就覺得可以不必這句也不是有規範力的條文 是第三人稱記敘家長管教小孩的作法
作者: SophyEye (Sophie)   2016-10-08 17:02:00

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