[情報] 3/19 Daily Horoscope

作者: peterbono (Nobody)   2018-03-18 00:29:37
Capricorn horoscope for Monday Mar 19
A very old memory may be coming back to haunt you as you embark on an exciting
new journey. This old memory, and the fear that is attached to it, has the po
wer to stop you in your tracks. But the only reason this memory has such signi
ficant power is because you are infusing it with power, Capricorn. This memory
represents a sense of failure, and a sense of losing control. That can be a s
cary thing for anyone, and especially for someone like you who likes to rely o
n planning and understanding to make your life foolproof. That memory has noth
ing to do with the here and now. Don't allow it entry into your thoughts. If i
t tries, replace it with a happy vision of the future.
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