[-Fx-] Firefox 88.0 & 88.0.1 Released

作者: rick (可惜沒如果)   2021-04-20 08:48:07
官方版本89.0預計在 2021年06月01日(美國時間) 台灣時間06月01日~06月02日 更新
PDF forms now support JavaScript embedded in PDF files. Some PDF forms
use JavaScript for validation and other interactive features.
Print updates: Margin units are now localized.
Smooth pinch-zooming using a touchpad is now supported on Linux
To protect against cross-site privacy leaks, Firefox now isolates
window.name data to the website that created it. Learn more
Screen readers no longer incorrectly read content that websites have
visually hidden, as in the case of articles in the Google Help panel.
Various security fixes.
Firefox will not prompt for access to your microphone or camera if you’
ve already granted access to the same device on the same site in the same tab
within the past 50 seconds. This new grace period reduces the number of times
you’re prompted to grant device access.
The ‘Take a Screenshot’ feature was removed from the Page Actions menu
in the url bar. To take a screenshot, right-click to open the context menu.
You can also add a screenshots shortcut directly to your toolbar via the
Customize menu. Open the Firefox menu and select Customize…
FTP support has been disabled, and its full removal is planned for an
upcoming release. Addressing this security risk reduces the likelihood of an
attack while also removing support for a non-encrypted protocol.
Various bug fixes and new policies have been implemented in the latest
version of Firefox. You can see more details in the Firefox for Enterprise 88
Release Notes.
Introduced a new toggle button in the Network panel for switching between
JSON formatted HTTP response and raw data (as received over the wire).
作者: rick (可惜沒如果)   2020-04-20 08:48:00
滑鼠右鍵 複製連結的按鍵好像從A改成L了 Orz
作者: hn9480412 (ilinker)   2021-04-20 16:48:00
作者: kc1446 (咱只有這條路)   2021-04-20 17:18:00
作者: t7yang (t7: 我認為這是一種背叛)   2021-04-20 17:21:00
Alpenglow 我記得滿久啦
作者: hn9480412 (ilinker)   2021-04-20 17:31:00
作者: mayuyu ((・ω・)ノ)   2021-04-20 18:07:00
proton ui我覺得蠻好看 雖然分頁大了一點 但是有實用下拉選單有bug間距過大 但是底色樣式統一 比較美觀
作者: rick (可惜沒如果)   2021-04-20 21:29:00
還是用SNSD - Run devil run XD
作者: masutaka (taka=米嘎)   2021-04-20 23:10:00
作者: kissfish (蘭居岳)   2021-04-20 23:27:00
作者: hn9480412 (ilinker)   2021-04-21 00:21:00
作者: hijacker (懶人一枚)   2021-04-21 00:25:00
改右鍵截圖 像是google sheet這種就不能右鍵截圖啊...
作者: twistedvate (tf)   2021-04-21 00:36:00
beta通道也進ver.89a1 同時也有proton ui*89.0b1 抱歉
作者: BDrip (藍光~)   2021-04-21 07:53:00
作者: cys070 (cys070)   2021-04-21 08:15:00
作者: rick (可惜沒如果)   2021-04-21 08:51:00
自訂工具列->畫面截圖 給它拉上工具列就好了!
作者: t7yang (t7: 我認為這是一種背叛)   2021-04-21 08:57:00
@mayuyu proton 這點改進真的重要,不然光暗主題都顯示不出來,也算是必要的現代化步驟。只是我對他們最近選用 cyan 當作 highlight 的顏色有點驚訝 XD 我一直以為藍色是比較好的選擇89 的介面調整又更多了,做了更多的最佳化,真的不錯不協調感慢慢消失中
作者: evanade (二萌)   2021-04-21 10:42:00
google sheet那種還是有地方可以按右鍵叫出來啦
作者: masutaka (taka=米嘎)   2021-04-21 11:04:00
作者: coffeeortea2 (Yang)   2021-04-23 10:39:00
作者: teschsh   2021-04-24 10:59:00
作者: BDrip (藍光~)   2021-04-24 11:16:00
ctrl+i 或者是alt叫出工具列 工具->頁面資訊
作者: aza0290 (阿茲)   2021-04-30 12:12:00
C大 我也覺得分頁空間太大為何Mozilla要如此的討好平板的使用者
作者: hdd60311 (太空戰鬥機漁師一枚)   2021-04-30 13:07:00
作者: aza0290 (阿茲)   2021-04-30 13:46:00
樓上我也在用這個參數如果這個參數以後移除了 我就要跳槽了Firefox市佔率一直下降 我也沒話說了
作者: BDrip (藍光~)   2021-04-30 15:07:00
好像說以前有開緊密 升級時被關掉是bug 剛剛開了我stable的舊版Fx 升級時沒有被調成標準但是(不支援) 放在那邊大概就..
作者: kc1446 (咱只有這條路)   2021-05-05 19:26:00
作者: Lemming (Endless)   2021-05-22 20:59:00
複製連結熱鍵改到另一邊有夠難用受不了後用附加元件解決 不知道有沒有更好的做法

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