[新聞] Adblock Plus一年內失去數百萬使用者

作者: kaoh08 (AIR -the 1000th summer-)   2017-10-05 14:23:06
Firefox: Adblock Plus lost millions of users in the past year
Adblock Plus is the most popular content blocking add-on for the
Mozilla Firefox web browser. In fact, it is the most popular
add-on for Firefox by a large margin.
Its more than 14 million users beat second placed uBlock Origin by
more than 10 million users right now. But things are not super
great if you take a look at how Adblock Plus' user count developed
over the past year.
A quick check reveals that the add-ons daily average user count
and daily downloads are down. An average of 21.4 million users
used Adblock Plus daily on September 29th, 2016. Additionally, the
add-on was downloaded 181,000 times on that day alone.
One year later, daily users are at 15.4 million on September 27th,
2017, and daily downloads at 89,000. That is a decrease of about
six million users in a year's time, and a drop in daily downloads
by 92,000 when compared to the stats a year ago.
One could argue that Firefox usage may be down as well, and that
the drop in daily users and downloads is caused by that more than
anything else. But this would mean that other add-ons should see
similar drops in usage.
If you take a look at the uBlock Origin statistics, the second
most popular add-on on Mozilla AMO right now, and a content
blocker as well, you will notice that the add-ons stats are up.
On September 29th, 2016, uBlock Origin had about 1.5 million daily
users, and about 22,000 daily downloads. One year later, on
September 27th, 2017, those figures rose to 4.1 million daily
users and 55,000 daily downloads.
The add-on managed to more than double its user base and daily
downloads in a year's time.
To be fair, uBlock Origin's daily downloads jumped shortly after
September 29th, and have actually dropped heavily at the end of
June and recovered only recently.
The huge uptick of downloads at the end of August seems to
correlate with the release of the WebExtensions versions of uBlock
Origin. Similarly, Adblock Plus managed to increase its daily
downloads at around the same time, but both download counts did
fall to previous levels shortly thereafter.
To come back to the initial question: why did Adblock Plus's daily
user number drop by several million users while similar
extensions did not see a drop but an increase instead?
Lets take a look at possible explanations:
Adblock Plus's Acceptable Ads program might be a reason. While
it is possible to disable the program in Adblock Plus, some users
may have had troubles doing so, or made the decision to move to
another content blocker instead.
Rise in popularity of uBlock Origin which may have had an
impact on Adblock Plus's performance. Interest in Adblock Plus
dropped slightly according to Google Trends, but uBlock Origin
interest increased only slightly however.
It is likely that uBlock Origin gained users who migrated from
Adblock Plus to the new extension, but this does not explain what
the remaining millions of users did. Could it be a change in
reporting on Mozilla AMO?
AdBlock Plus使用數從去年九月底的21.4M → 15.4M,
而uBlock Origin 1.5M → 4.1M
可能原因: 1. ABP的廣告允許計畫 2.因為uBlock Origin支援了WebExtension
作者: cys070 (cys070)   2017-10-05 15:59:00
作者: hdd60311 (太空戰鬥機漁師一枚)   2017-10-05 16:11:00
作者: abc0922001 (中士abc)   2017-10-05 16:11:00
ublock origin就是好用,私心希望使用者不要太多棒打出頭鳥
作者: toploader   2017-10-05 16:24:00
作者: abc0922001 (中士abc)   2017-10-05 16:25:00
我朋友裝了ABP,還特別裝去Youtube廣告的擴充套件就幫他換成uBlock Origin了
作者: APM99 (血統純正台北人)   2017-10-05 16:37:00
裝到假的ABP吧 一個月前還用ABP的時候沒看過youtube廣告
作者: abc0922001 (中士abc)   2017-10-05 16:39:00
作者: scorpioz (Fong)   2017-10-05 16:45:00
作者: Seventhsky (7th空)   2017-10-05 17:22:00
UBO人會增加很正常啊 更新很勤也很重視使用者的意見
作者: twtwch (zhTW)   2017-10-05 17:26:00
作者: cys070 (cys070)   2017-10-05 17:35:00
作者: Seventhsky (7th空)   2017-10-05 17:40:00
事實證明他是對的 重開UBO後 UB就完全被那些人擺爛了可見那些人搶UB主導權時根本就是另有目的
作者: hdd60311 (太空戰鬥機漁師一枚)   2017-10-05 17:41:00
作者: hijacker (懶人一枚)   2017-10-05 17:50:00
比較好奇UBO靠什麼賺錢 還是只是作者佛心奉獻?
作者: mayuyu ((・ω・)ノ)   2017-10-05 18:40:00
作者不接受斗內 也不塞廣告 更新還這麼勤快一做還做這麼多久 實在太不可思議了
作者: Bellkna (柔弱氣質偽少女)   2017-10-05 18:48:00
作者: idlewolf (閒置)   2017-10-05 19:03:00
作者: APM99 (血統純正台北人)   2017-10-05 19:07:00
ABP換UBO無感很正常 因為本來就無感UBo能興起跟作者還有整個社群有關吧
作者: s816266 (雲淡風輕)   2017-10-05 19:10:00
作者: richard1003 (Deep Blue )   2017-10-05 19:12:00
作者: s816266 (雲淡風輕)   2017-10-05 19:13:00
作者: sate5232 (Hao)   2017-10-05 19:29:00
作者: abc0922001 (中士abc)   2017-10-05 19:30:00
作者: sate5232 (Hao)   2017-10-05 19:31:00
https://i.imgur.com/lrTA845.png 這紅色綠色灰色加號減號我到現在都不知道幹麻的
作者: abc0922001 (中士abc)   2017-10-05 19:31:00
作者: sate5232 (Hao)   2017-10-05 19:32:00
作者: abc0922001 (中士abc)   2017-10-05 19:34:00
作者: cys070 (cys070)   2017-10-05 19:35:00
作者: abc0922001 (中士abc)   2017-10-05 19:35:00
作者: cys070 (cys070)   2017-10-05 19:37:00
作者: sate5232 (Hao)   2017-10-05 19:38:00
作者: abc0922001 (中士abc)   2017-10-05 19:40:00
作者: s816266 (雲淡風輕)   2017-10-05 20:06:00
作者: kuro (支那啃民黨 凸 ̄▽ ̄凸)   2017-10-05 20:11:00
https://goo.gl/bWeFVb 動態過濾快速指南 (簡字)
作者: mayuyu ((・ω・)ノ)   2017-10-05 20:11:00
灰色的稱做noop 也就是動態規則不起作用依照靜態規則(你建立的或者訂閱的第三方規則)來過濾UBO官方有使用說明 也有簡中版https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki動態規則很強大 學起來受用無窮
作者: hdd60311 (太空戰鬥機漁師一枚)   2017-10-05 20:19:00
作者: Risedo (進 化)   2017-10-05 20:45:00
目前是用adblock第一次聽到UBO 不知道差別如何ubo現在好像也能防 挖礦病毒似的
作者: jtmh (:))   2017-10-05 21:46:00
作者: abccbaandy (敏)   2017-10-05 21:51:00
防挖礦ABP也能阿...同樓上+1 好久沒跟這塊了
作者: APM99 (血統純正台北人)   2017-10-05 21:57:00
沒聽過很正常啊 基本上貓熊57沒有ABP才會聽說UBo...
作者: tzback (籽別顆)   2017-10-05 22:08:00
雖然改用uBO多年 仍覺得ABP的Element Hiding Helper最好用
作者: olduck (123)   2017-10-05 23:30:00
作者: s816266 (雲淡風輕)   2017-10-06 07:30:00
作者: bunjie (Bunjie)   2017-10-06 09:51:00
感謝提供資訊 馬上換來試試看
作者: rgbff ( ̄▽ ̄)   2017-10-06 13:13:00
ABP的Element Hiding Helper好用+1,也是因為這樣沒換UBO
作者: abc0922001 (中士abc)   2017-10-06 13:24:00
請問那個Element Hiding Helper是做什麼用的阿?
作者: Seventhsky (7th空)   2017-10-06 13:29:00
元素隱藏 給你自己選擇隱藏網頁的哪個部分
作者: t7yang (t7: 我認為這是一種背叛)   2017-10-06 13:39:00
作者: abc0922001 (中士abc)   2017-10-06 13:49:00
作者: tzback (籽別顆)   2017-10-06 13:53:00
Element Hiding Helper可以用鍵盤控制阻擋元素範圍
作者: popbitch (that's it)   2017-10-06 18:04:00
有些網頁偵測到擋廣告就不給看有解嗎?以前anti-adblock killer有用,最近都不行了
作者: rayx000 (豆腐)   2017-10-06 18:20:00
Anti-Adblock Killer Continued可以用 缺點是油猴不支源ABP的Element Hiding Helper真的好用 UBO的元素隱藏就如同上面所提 會閃一下才會消失 有辦法解決嗎
作者: popbitch (that's it)   2017-10-06 18:26:00
作者: jhtsai0825   2017-10-06 23:18:00
有 uBlock Protector 可以用
作者: johnny9667 (大八)   2017-10-07 13:01:00
請問我改用ubo 可是還是會出現這個 有什麽辦法嗎?https://i.imgur.com/g3Oxfv3.png
作者: kuro (支那啃民黨 凸 ̄▽ ̄凸)   2017-10-07 13:13:00
作者: johnny9667 (大八)   2017-10-07 13:17:00
我站內信你他不只會跳出這個 過幾秒鐘還會自動轉址到別的網頁擋不太住感謝kuro大大
作者: kuro (支那啃民黨 凸 ̄▽ ̄凸)   2017-10-07 13:48:00
好說好說 :)
作者: s816266 (雲淡風輕)   2017-10-07 19:45:00
我有回報UBO會有廣告閃一下才消失的問題,作者回覆我一篇連結,https://goo.gl/xTU3V9 ,內容不太了解,誰能解釋一下嗎?能完全解決這問題的話,就能完全改用UBO了
作者: richjf (jeff)   2017-10-09 03:04:00
作者: olduck (123)   2017-10-10 17:07:00
作者: s816266 (雲淡風輕)   2017-10-12 07:26:00
作者: kaoh08 (AIR -the 1000th summer-)   2017-10-12 17:02:00
效能越好看到閃一下的機會越高只要不是阻擋要求的方式都免不了廣告被下載這點ADP 跟ub0都一樣 就看你心理覺得舒不舒服
作者: micbrimac (shark)   2017-10-23 18:49:00
我就是消失的那個 ADP現在完全不能擋youtube 超爛的

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