[分享] 黃暐傑 2016 FG 蛇蛇 No.3新秀

作者: WillWaiting (Creep)   2015-11-15 11:35:10
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x37TGCvSmA0 投球影片
3. Wei-Chieh Huang, RHP
Current Level/Age: A/22.5, 6’1 /170, R/R
Acquired: Signed in 2014 out of Taiwan by ARZ for unknown bonus
Previous Rank: NA
It’s pronounced “Way-Jay,” which is way cooler sounding than the butchered
version I was using when I first saw his name. Huang throws from a high
three-quarters slot with a clean arm action all the way through his delivery.
Like many Asian imports, he has somewhat of a drop-and-drive delivery, but
still keeps his back hip tall as he strides to maintain his balance instead
of collapsing too far on his back leg and throwing uphill.
He has two pitches in his fastball and change-up that project as plus, and he
commands both of them extremely well for a young hurler. Both have good
running action, and the change-up really falls off the table down in the
zone. His fastball sits at 89-92, running up to 93-94 in small samples, but
the command and movement are where this pitch has the most upside. He also
has a curveball and a slider, the latter of which was rarely used this
season. The curve lags behind currently, as Huang has not found
the shape and arm speed to put it near the same level of his best offerings.
He has room to add some muscle as he matures, but even without further
physical development he could be on the fast track to the high minors.
A team official I spoke with believes it’s realistic we will see Huang in
Double-A Mobile by the end of this season.
Fastball 89-92 (94) 50/60/65
Change-up: 55/65/70
Curveball: 40/45/50
Slider: TBD
Command: 50/60/65
FV/Role: 55, #3/4 Starter with upside
20/80 scale的第一個數字代表現在評價,第二個是未來期待,第三個是天花板
速球89-92 (94) : 50/60/65
曲球: 40/45/50
滑球: 未定
控球: 50/60/65
總和:55, 未來3,4號先發並且看漲
作者: Dawei1165 (愛新覺羅與葉赫那拉相遇)   2015-11-15 11:36:00
作者: hopper (蚤子)   2015-11-15 11:37:00
作者: p50042220 (Penny)   2015-11-15 11:41:00
作者: xdd1524 (醉拳甘迺迪)   2015-11-15 11:42:00
作者: lsykobe   2015-11-15 11:44:00
變速70 很嚇人
作者: tony123839 (~tony~)   2015-11-15 11:46:00
如果長到70 不可能只有3.4號先發吧
作者: bleachdie (最愛BoA(無盡*殤))   2015-11-15 11:46:00
作者: WillWaiting (Creep)   2015-11-15 11:46:00
3,4號是以未來平均的期望值,變速長到70當然就不只啦忘了補上看漲的字了, 美國球探報告不會把選手寫的像日本新聞那樣每個都xx二世啦
作者: minikai (一肚子拐)   2015-11-15 11:48:00
作者: WillWaiting (Creep)   2015-11-15 11:48:00
所以蛇蛇很看好他 黃差的只是身材不夠壯 怕受傷
作者: ricky158207 (科科任)   2015-11-15 11:50:00
健康是最大的問題 骨盆有問題容易腰痛
作者: WillWaiting (Creep)   2015-11-15 11:50:00
這隻亞錦拿來投中國真的很浪費就是了 = =明年季末看好上2A 後年有機會上去觀光
作者: INNBUG (最純潔的傑)   2015-11-15 11:51:00
作者: WillWaiting (Creep)   2015-11-15 11:52:00
如果棒協跟體委會腦筋好一點把P12也改成免兵役的話今天黃暐傑就可以出來投了= =
作者: a27647535 (叫我幹嘛?)   2015-11-15 11:55:00
作者: tPA (-踢趴-)   2015-11-15 11:55:00
作者: sdiaa (桂綸鎂)   2015-11-15 11:56:00
3個65+ 拿個CYA不過分吧~
作者: WillWaiting (Creep)   2015-11-15 11:57:00
全部都長成天花板是中樂透吧= =
作者: fountainNess (秋本平吉千人將)   2015-11-15 11:57:00
作者: hopper (蚤子)   2015-11-15 11:59:00
作者: tryit0902 (貓空都是貓)   2015-11-15 12:01:00
作者: WillWaiting (Creep)   2015-11-15 12:02:00
作者: fountainNess (秋本平吉千人將)   2015-11-15 12:04:00
作者: loveinmars (章魚哥的陰謀)   2015-11-15 12:06:00
作者: WillWaiting (Creep)   2015-11-15 12:08:00
你們家蛇蛇很喜歡簽這種竹竿型的耶林凱崴也是5-11, 165磅的竹竿
作者: herolgg (句點王)   2015-11-15 12:14:00
作者: fountainNess (秋本平吉千人將)   2015-11-15 12:14:00
Yoan Lopez也很竹竿,幾個新秀還是Bradley身材最好
作者: zenuo (堅持到底永不放棄)   2015-11-15 12:30:00
作者: WillWaiting (Creep)   2015-11-15 12:35:00
不對喔 曾仁和現在的變化球比他好 黃是變化球天花板高 曾仁和是天花板低但高完成度 兩個都是3,4號先發曾仁和至少有曲球跟變速都在50以上但曾的速球沒有多少成長空間就是 大概最好就92,93黃未來可以到94,95
作者: zenuo (堅持到底永不放棄)   2015-11-15 12:37:00
季中不是有球探報告 上面曾的變化球沒有到60 黃有一顆到60
作者: WillWaiting (Creep)   2015-11-15 12:38:00
有些的60是評未來 有些是評他看到的某一場黃的第二球種變化球沒曾好是確定的曾仁和去年是小熊最佳變速跟曲球
作者: zenuo (堅持到底永不放棄)   2015-11-15 12:39:00
了解 那有沒有其他三位的報告XD
作者: WillWaiting (Creep)   2015-11-15 12:40:00
要等啊 通常是十月底到一月初這段時間會公佈但各隊的順序就不一定了目前王維中/黃暐傑/曾仁和都很看好就是胡智為的狀況就不是很穩定 等明年2A看看黃現在在FG百大應該可以排到50-80FG排胡智為大概在250左右應該說在300 就期待BA公佈百大新秀了 好久沒百大了FG給胡的評價是three solid average pitch withsolid command跟solid的work frame 大概就是工作馬
作者: fountainNess (秋本平吉千人將)   2015-11-15 13:53:00

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