Re: [聯合] 洋基想為建仔請翻譯

作者: netting (小內)   2006-05-30 00:02:23
※ 引述《bubbccp (熊)》之銘言:
: 旅美球星》洋基想為建仔請翻譯
: 【記者藍宗標/綜合報導】
: 王建民在隊上越來越重要,為了解決語言問題,洋基總教練托瑞打算為他雇用1名翻
: 譯,不過後來又認為沒必要。
: 托瑞說,王建民可以了解棒球語術,做好應做的工作,也知道自己在隊上的功能。
: 洋基上周和大都會進行地鐵大戰時,托瑞要輪空的王建民提前飛往波士頓
: ,充分休息後,再對紅襪先發,不過王建民不想這麼做,他向托瑞說:
: 「我想要和球隊在一起。」托瑞又和他說了1次:「你去。」
: 王回答:「我不想去。」托瑞強調,此事讓他覺得很棒。
: 洋基總經理凱許曼後來也加入討論,王建民終於點頭,
: 認為此事是他應該做的,同意飛往波士頓備戰。
有點看不下去 記者抄新聞前也買台翻譯機吧
如果我把我的paper這樣翻 我看我老闆會先瘋掉
原文轉自王板 6845
Torre said that the Yankees considered hiring a translator for right-hander
Chien-Ming Wang, who is from Taiwan, but decided one wasn't needed.
Wang, Torre said, understands enough baseball terminology to do his work
and that the pitcher functions in the clubhouse.
When the Yankees were at Shea Stadium recently they wanted to send Wang
ahead to rest up for a start in Boston on May 22.
"He didn't want to go," Torre said, laughing. "He wanted to stay with
the team. I went up to him and said, `You go.' He said, `I don't want to go.'
That was fine with me. Then [GM] Brian [Cashman] talked him into it.
We went up the ladder with him. He finally took going to Boston coming
from the general manager as something he needed to do."
字不太難 不知道記者怎麼會翻的2266的...
作者: joe0726   2006-06-22 22:14:00

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