[求救] .crypt 綁架怎麼看是誰家的?

作者: JCC (JCC )   2016-05-21 16:18:42
就是一台電腦被綁了 還好反應夠快 沒把網路上的共享空間全加密了
他的訊息如下 我想試一試一些解這類加密的程式
不知這是誰家的加密呢? 或是建議用哪一種解藥試比較有機會?
@@@@@@@ NOT YOUR LANGUAGE? USE https://translate.google.com
@@@@@@@ What happened to your files ?
@@@@@@@ All of your files were protected by a strong encryption with RZA4096
@@@@@@@ More information about the en-Xryption keys using RZA4096 can be
found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_(cryptosystem)
@@@@@@@ How did this happen ?
@@@@@@@ !!! Specially for your PC was generated personal RZA4096 Key , both
publik and private.
@@@@@@@ !!! ALL YOUR FILES were en-Xrypted with the publik key, which has
been transferred to your computer via the Internet.
@@@@@@@ !!! Decrypting of your files is only possible with the help of the
privatt key and de-crypt program , which is on our Secret Server
@@@@@@@ What do I do ?
@@@@@@@ So , there are two ways you can choose: wait for a miracle and get
your price doubled, or start obtaining BITCOIN NOW! , and restore your data
easy way
@@@@@@@ If You have really valuable data, you better not waste your time,
because there is no other way to get your files, except make a payment
Your personal ID: F1CA0F98F4FF
For more specific instructions, please visit your personal home page, there
are a few different addresses pointing to your page below:
1 - http://lnuao66whig7pjjo.onion.to
2 - http://lnuao66whig7pjjo.onion.cab
3 - http://lnuao66whig7pjjo.onion.city
If for some reasons the addresses are not available, follow these steps:
1 - Download and install tor-browser:
2 - After a successful installation, run the browser
3 - Type in the address bar - http://lnuao66whig7pjjo.onion
4 - Follow the instructions on the site
Be sure to copy your personal ID and the instruction link to your notepad not
to lose them.
作者: Cubelia (天空の夜明け)   2016-05-21 16:20:00
作者: s79072002 (朱弟)   2016-05-21 16:29:00
作者: JCC (JCC )   2016-05-21 16:32:00
作者: sagicorn (★☆Love in the φ☆★)   2016-05-21 17:00:00
作者: christina456 (Christina)   2016-05-21 17:18:00
作者: robinhood (Bring Me To Life)   2016-05-21 17:31:00
作者: brianuser (產業廢棄物)   2016-05-21 17:36:00
討論一堆不是說用 Kaspersky RannohDecryptor 沒用嗎
作者: joychen0714   2016-05-23 15:32:00
我也是這樣!用新版Kaspersky RannohDecryptor~有用
作者: christina456 (Christina)   2016-05-24 02:54:00
作者: joychen0714   2016-05-24 09:00:00
作者: christina456 (Christina)   2016-05-25 00:51:00
j大 請問方便私訊請教嗎?
作者: JCC (JCC )   2016-05-26 08:32:00
我這還沒救回來 目前試了幾個都沒用
作者: diecorroder (該死的,認床睡不著= =)   2016-05-31 22:41:00
救不回來+1 卡巴或T家都沒用

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