[閒聊] 回來了?

作者: faithinlove (ai)   2010-04-26 23:05:30
今天無意的google了一下ai yawaza
結果發現了這則新聞 不知是真是假?
請問會日文的網友 日本的討論區有這則新聞嗎??
(大意為: 矢澤愛老師在五月份的Josei Jishin雜誌接受訪問
但是她自從生病後就沒有再碰畫筆 目前也沒確定是否或何時要繼續連載)
NANA manga creator Ai Yazawa revealed in
the May 4 issue of Kobunsha's Josei Jishin
magazine that she returned home in early April
from the Tokyo hospital where she was being
treated for an unspecified serious illlness. She
had put her NANA manga last summer due to
the sudden illness. However, she said that she has
not gripped a pen once since her illness, and
revealed that she does not know when or if she
will return to working again.
如果真的出院了 真替她高興 希望她能恢復健康

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