[花邊] Trevor Booker回憶當年瘋狂巫師隊往事

作者: Phater (肥特)   2019-11-08 03:10:01
前NBA球員Trevor Booker從2010年被巫師隊選上後在華府待了4年. 根據他的回憶那四年
“It was the most terrible team that I’ve probably been on, but it was
probably the most fun I’ve ever had in the NBA. Because those guys didn’t
care at all, you know? ”
這是我待過最糟糕的球隊,但也是我職業生涯中玩得最瘋的時光. 隊友們根本不在乎輸贏.
“I would come into the locker room the day of a game and watch one player
cut up the suit of another player. One guy took a shit in another guy’s
shoe. Oh my goodness, I have stories for days. We would go on the road and we
would break into each other’s room and beat a player up, tie him up. There’
s so many stories I got from those Washington days. It was so much fun, but
looking back on it, oh my goodness. It was so unprofessional.”
在隊友的鞋子裡. 這些故事根本說不完. 我們出戰客場時會闖入隊友的飯店房間把他綁起來
毒打一頓. 太多事情了,根本沒有職業道德可言
“That’s all I knew. It was my first NBA team, So I’m like, ‘Wow, the NBA
really is a shitshow.’ But, you know, as soon as I went to Utah, I was like,
‘Wow, this is way different. This is way more professional, and I really like
this a lot more. There’s a lot more structure, and you know, it’s family-
oriented.’ … I went to other organizations and I realized that what I had
in Washington, it was not normal at all.”
巫師隊是我加入NBA後的第一個球隊,所以我當時以為這就是NBA文化. 但是當我一到猶他爵
士隊後,我才發現爵士隊非常有規律,球隊像個大家庭,我覺得這個環境好太多了. 我後來
“And one of the stories I didn't mentioned is outside of a nightclub one night
my teammates got to fighting. They got to fighting with each other. Two
teammates got to fighting each other outside of the nightclub. It was...oh my
goodness, it was a wild night. Then, one of my other teammates tried to jump
in and break it up, and he ended up getting beat by cops. I had to drive him
home and he was crying the whole way. It was ... oh my goodness it's so many
stories from that rookie year.”
我還有一個沒提到的故事. 有一天晚上我有兩個隊友在夜店外面打起來,另一名隊友跳進去
當和事佬,結果他反而被警察誤打一頓. 我後來開車載他回家,他一路上哭個不停. 我的天
“I’m just glad I got out alive,”
回顧一下,在Booker加入巫師隊的前一年才發生Gilbert Arenas跟隊友Javaris Crittenton
在隊上打牌嗆輸贏結果Crittenton帶槍進休息室造成兩個人被禁賽的事件. 而Booker剛進
巫師隊時Arenas還沒被交易到魔術隊. 有這種球隊文化只能說不意外.
作者: BrahmaBull36 (衰尾道人)   2019-11-08 03:24:00
哇靠 這職場霸凌 扯
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巫師前身就子彈啊 不意外
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